Reflecting over the last year, the things I have to be thankful for are bountiful. I have the most beautiful family, the most understanding husband, and everything in between. I must admit, this is never the life I had imagined for myself, but it is the life I love.
I would like to take a moment and remember all the things this year has blessed me with, starting with my husband. Every day my love for him grows; he works so hard for us to make sure we have everything we want and need, and never misses a beat. He has bought us our first home, a new car, a vacation home, and that's just the beginning. He has loved me through thick and thin, supported my every decision as a mother and a friend, and given me more love than I feel I will ever deserve. Ever day I am thankful to have him, and for our life together.
Laila is growing and learning more by the day. I am so thankful to have her in my life, she teaches me so much, even if she wears my patience thin at times. She now attends preschool where she learns to read, write, and make friendships; the example she sets for me is phenomenal. I love her hugs, her kisses, and her every, "I love you, mommy!" Without them, I'd be lost.
Kenadi is such a joy to have around the house. I am thankful every morning when I wake up for her smiles and her positive attitude. When the going gets tough, Kenadi smiles because she has no idea what is going on, and some days, that's just what I need. Watching her go with the flow, learning and growing by the minute, makes me feel so blessed to be a mom.
One last thing I have to be thankful for, and that is our new addition on the way. We have discussed having another one, tried to talk ourselves into it and out of it, and finally left it up to God. Now we are thankful for the new baby soon to come! We couldn't be happier, having another baby to add to our beautiful family is the biggest blessing I could have asked for this year. I am so happy to have a healthy, happy family.
We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder