Yesterday, I fell in love all over again.
Let me explain.
Dustin is still on midnights, and every other Sunday he works 6pm-2am, landing him in bed shortly before 3am. I had a doctor appointment scheduled at 10:45am in Chandler, and I needed gas beforehand. He woke up after just a few hours of sleep and filled my car with gas for me, and took me to my doctor appointment without even one complaint. Some days he's just too good to me.

After a few more errands, we came home and took a nap, it was short, but it was sweet! Kenadi napped and Laila watched tv, and I couldn't stand keeping my eyes open anymore! We had dinner, and headed to Wal*Mart for a few things. Let me just tell you how much I hate that store, it smells, and it's always crowded. I did manage to snag some good deals though, and I found the second love of my life in the ice cream aisle (thanks, Mariela!!).
I bought 3 containers of Dove Unconditional Chocolate, don't get me wrong, if they had more in stock, I would have bought them too! I picked up all they had and can't wait to open one tonight! On my way down the ice cream aisle, I found something I never knew existed, Blue Bunny now makes an ice cream sandwich that's worth every penny! It's a vanilla cookie on the outside and...wait for it...cake batter ice cream on the inside! Holy wow! Who knew? It ranks right up there with Dove, not that I ever need a break from chocolate, but if I did, this is a good way to get it. We all sampled them last night, and they were tasty to say the least.