The Smith's

The Smith's

August 06, 2013

50 Days of Summer Fun!

Summer can be such a drag, I remember as a child spending the summer home and being bored out of my mind. I knew we weren't taking a vacation this year, so I really had to step it up! I refuse to let the kids waste away in front of the television, computer, or video games, so I decided to create a fun, inexpensive way to keep us busy this summer! My inspiration came from Pintrest. I realize you're not surprised, but that's okay, you don't have to be.

I decided to create a jar and fill it with fun things to do this summer, each day letting the kids draw something from the jar! I was prepared to fill in the gaps with weekly visits to the museum for kids' day, monthly visits to Home Depot, weekly trips to the movies for $.50 movies. Needless to day, I was a little over ambitious!

I did a little research and brainstorming and came up with 50 ideas of things we could accomplish that would be fun, educational, and would help give back to the community. I took photos each day and will create a master album for the kids to keep, full of memories of our summer 2013. I'm pleased to report we finished all 50 activities, even though by the end, I think we were all completely exhausted! The kids truly enjoyed it, and they still can't pick their favorite thing we did!

I've had many people ask for my list, so here it is, in the order we completed them! My advice if you choose to do this: Make a smaller list!

1. Splash Pad
2. Sea Life Aquarium
3. Donuts for Breakfast
4. Finger Painting
5. Cerreta Candy Company
6. Play a Board Game
7. Bubble Art
8. Pajama Day
9. Pudding Body Paint
10. Make and Deliver Dinner to Someone
11. Bake Cookies
12. Build a Fort
13. Sidewalk Chalk Art
14. Ding Dong Ditch Cupcakes
15. Tempe History Museum
16. Send Someone a Care Package
17. Donate to a Food Bank
18. Decorate T-Shirts
19. Water Balloon Fight
20. Hall of Flame Museum
21. Make Ice Cream
22. Movie Night with Popcorn
23. Splash of Color
24. Build-A-Bear
25. Make Play-Doh
26. Pay for Someone's Order at McDonalds
27. Camping in the Living Room
28. Send Someone a Hand Made Card
29. Out for Ice Cream
30. Visit Police Station
31. Children's Museum of Phoenix
32. Arizona Museum for Youth
33. Tie-Dye a T-Shirt
34. Visit Downtown and Take Photos
35. Wash Car
36. Storytime
37. Drawn on a Mustache for the Day
38. At Home Science Experiments
39. Visit a Fire Station
40. Spa Day
41. Get Library Cards
42. School Supply Shopping
43. Arizona Museum of Natural History
44. Bowling
45. Potato Stamp Art
46. Microwave Ivory Soap
47. Lemonade Stand
48. Phoenix Zoo
49. Chandler Museum
50. Jambo Indoor Amusement Park

Here are photos from some of our favorite activities (in no particular order)! I chose our 10 favorites!

Pudding Body Paint!
Ding-Dong-Ditch Cupcakes!
Fire Station!
Police Station!
Phoenix Zoo!
Finger Paint!
Sea Life Aquarium!

Thanks to everyone who followed along, offered ideas, and gave support and encouragement! 

Until next time, all my love.

Back To School!

Kenadi and Laila by the school sign!
(I do one of these each year)
Yesterday, school started up again in Maricopa! Part of me has been counting the days since summer break started, but now that it's here and the girls are really gone, my heart aches for them! I like having them here, close by me, even if they do drive me nuts.

I took the girls in to school yesterday morning so they could have breakfast, and after a few hic-ups were ironed out, the day went on pretty well. I still can't believe how old they're getting, it seems like it's happening right before my eyes. I'm impressed with how smoothly the morning went at home, the kids were so excited they were up before my alarm even went off! We'll see how long that lasts! =)

3rd Grade!
Laila's yearly photo!
Kenadi's yearly photo!

Until next time, all my love.

August 05, 2013

It's been a while...

My heavens, it's been months since my last post! I guess I have some serious catching up to do! I've been so busy I can't even remember where I left off! I find it funny that my last post was titled "Where Have I Been?" Obviously I've slacked in the blogging department. I'm hoping once things get back on track and on a decent schedule at home, that I will be back on a regular blogging agenda again. Truth be told, I sort of miss it!

My last post was nearly 4 months ago, in April! Wow! Let's take a look back over the last few months and see what's been happening around the Smith residence.

May: What a great month May turned out to be! Laila finished up soccer and also wrapped up the school year! Finishing second grade was exciting, in addition to the award she won at school, she also received a letter in the mail congratulating her on her excellent test scores. Despite her diabetes, she continues to excel. She makes me so proud!

June: We really let it rip in June, with summer in full swing we were pulling events out of our jar of fun almost daily! (I promise to do a blog about this another time). We started the month at our favorite place- Home Depot! We made crafts there, and also at Lakeshore Learning Store with friends. We celebrated 7 years of marriage, made a trip to Sedona, and more!

Snuggles from my main squeeze!
Blood donation #4 of the year!

Happy Anniversary!
It was great to catch up with a friend from home!
My sweet angels in Sedona!
July: Double birthday month! I turned 26! (Haha, shut up!) and my son turned 3! I still can hardly believe he's that old! We spent the month plowing through our of summer fun, it was a month crammed full of surprises for the kids, and for me! The month didn't start out so well, my van has had a few brake issues and even though it's less than 2 years old, Dodge won't compensate in any way. So, after dealing with all the lame issues that have come along with that, the rest of the month was fantastic! My dad visited and I was able to get a little alone time on my birthday. I finally took the kids to get their photos done and we almost finished the jar of summer fun!

All 3 kids crammed into Dustin's little Toyota!
My painting! I still don't believe I painted this!
My birthday flowers! Thank you, soul sister!
My girls at Rustler's Rooste, my dinner choice!
Photos of the kids! Finally! Just waiting to be hung on the wall!
I think that brings us to about current, minus the 50 days of summer fun. I will do a blog about that another time, I'm pretty tired, but glad to have at least got back on the blogging horse again! Thank you to all my religious readers, I hope to be writing more in the near future!

Until next time, all my love.

April 16, 2013

Where Have I Been?

Another 2 months have flown by and more promises to keep up on my blog have been broken. I'm not sure anyone really reads it, but I'll still apologize nonetheless.

I'm sorry.

So, where have I been? That's a good question. I'm not even sure I know the answer. I've been around, keeping busy. Many times I've opened Blogger and contemplated writing, and closed it right back up. So many things have been on my mind, I don't even know where to begin sometimes. Writing used to be an outlet for me, and now it just causes me anxiety.

Let's get back to business and find out what's been going on in the Smith household, shall we?

Laila just lost her 8th tooth yesterday! I find it so hard to believe she's growing so fast right before my eyes. I remember all the stages of her life like it was just yesterday, watching her bloom and blossom is such a blessing. She is enjoying school, with just under 6 weeks until summer vacation left to go, she's excited to wrap up this school year. I met recently with the nurse and principal and already requested her teacher for next year, once school resumes in the fall her 504 meeting will take place and she'll officially be in 3rd grade!

This past month Laila has taken on a new adventure: Soccer! She absolutely loves playing, she has a great time and really enjoyed her first game this past weekend. Her team name is Roma's and the color they wear is rust orange. Only she can make such a melancholy color look so beautiful. She started her first game as center forward, I was so proud! Her sugars have been wonderful, the exercise really helps keep her numbers down. During her first game we checked nearly 10 times in just an hour, thankfully I was prepared to keep her sugars under control.

Kenadi has been enjoying the fact that I've been babysitting for my neighbor the last 2 weeks, she loves having friends over to play! She completed a 6 week sports program through the city and loved it! Dustin took her each week, she played soccer, basketball, and t-ball. Hopefully in the winter she will be able to join a soccer team, I know she'll love it as much as Laila.

I filled out the enrollment packet for Kenadi to start Kindergarten in the fall, she'll attend the same school as Laila. I also requested her teacher for Kenadi, providing she passes her early enrollment test for school. Her birthday is 9 days past the cutoff for Kindergarten, so she'll test in early June.

The school offered a movie package through the local cinema, 50 cent movies! I bought 3 sets of tickets, and Dustin will take the girls to a movie each week for 10 weeks this summer. I'm glad they've made this available locally, the girls will look forward to it and it will be a great way to beat the heat, and the daddy-daughter bonding time is just an added bonus!

My son. Where do I begin? That boy is hell on two feet. From the second he wakes up in the morning until the moment he falls asleep at night, it's out of control crazy. He knows no boundaries! He runs, jumps, screams, and plays unlike anything I've ever seen before. My son is loud and obnoxious, and I love every minute of it! He's still a little too young to join any sports, but hopefully in the fall I'll be able to enroll him in a one or two day a week preschool program.

Hopefully, one day, I'll get back into the swing of blogging again. It soothes my soul. Until I find that happy rhythm again....peace.

February 09, 2013


I've never been know to be overly religious. I have my beliefs, though it's something I've struggled with often throughout my life, and that's that. I pray. Not as much as I should, but more often than not. I try to do the right thing, I help when I can, I give what I have, and I teach the same to my children.

Lately, I've been feeling like garbage. I have felt tired, angry, used, and hurt. I go above and beyond, I'm willing to rearrange my whole day to help someone even when I get nothing in return, and still feel like I'm all alone at the end of the day. A simple kind gesture goes a long way. This may sound selfish, but with all give and no take, it tires a person out. In addition to feeling this way, I've been feeling down about my life, like I'm not measuring up.

After a long day of running myself to the ground, beating myself up about how I'm not good enough, I finally sat down to recap my day. I ask my girls at the end of each day if they did something nice for someone with out being asked, if they helped anyone, and what their favorite part of the day was. I love hearing them share their stories of generosity and kindness, it makes me feel like a million bucks. Then, like a bolt of lightning, it hit me.

I am good enough. In fact, I'm freaking fabulous!

I typically a "Debby Downer", I can ruin a good mood in a heartbeat. I always see the glass as half empty, there's never enough time, and I find myself constantly miserable. It's easy to look at my life and see how far I have to go, instead of looking back at the mountains I've climbed and the treacherous roads behind me. I've spent months trying to force friendships that will never be, and right in front of my face are people who want to be in my life, who want to be my friend, and accept me and the baggage that comes with me.

I've prayed, talked, screamed, and cried, and finally decided it's time for me to be my own priority. Since this decision, I've come to the following conclusions about my life:

1. I'm married to the most amazing man: Trust me, there are days I've considered walking away, giving up, just throwing in the towel, and on those days, Dustin tells me I'm beautiful. He reminds me why I chose this life, and he lifts me up in ways I could never do for myself. He may not be perfect, but he's perfect for me. I feel safe, both emotionally and physically, and ready to climb the next mountain as long as he's by my side.

2. I have a house to call home: I complain my house isn't big enough, I feel like we're busting at the seams, outgrowing everything from clothes to beds to this house. This certainly isn't my dream home, in fact, I felt rushed when we bought it and didn't even really want this house. Three children, two adults, and one dog all crammed into a 1400 square foot house is not how I imagined my life. Then again, I never dreamed I'd be a stay at home mom in the suburbs of Arizona, either. Even though we're feeling cramped, we have a clean, safe environment for our family to live. There is no landlord who can make us move on short notice, because we own this house; we've never had our water turned off, or our electric disconnected, and we even have the expanded cable package, and that's something to be proud of.

3. My children are healthy: Yes, Laila has Type 1 Diabetes, but she's healthyAt the time of Laila's diagnosis, I was sure my world was ending. With the help of amazing doctors and my supportive husband, we've got her sugars under control and she's doing great!. Aside from the hurdles we've already passed, my kids are doing just fine. To know each night as I tuck them in that they are in no danger of harm is a blessing so big it almost brings me to tears. Having them in my life means more to me than I can express, and knowing they're healthy is breathtaking.

4. My husband has a good job: Dustin and I decided together I would be a stay at home mom. Not only do I change diapers and cook meals, I also pay the bills. He brings home the bacon, I fry it in the pan. My job is  to make his salary stretch as far as I can, and thankfully it's not as hard as it could be. He's constantly picking up overtime to help with the extras, and the benefits through his employer is amazing. Health coverage is a must-have in our house, with Laila's condition, the supplies would cost more than he makes in a month if we didn't have the coverage we have now. He works with great people, his schedule is consistent, and the pay is enough to keep us afloat. We don't always have lots of money left over at the end of each month, we still pay our bills paycheck to paycheck, but there's always a cushion to fall back on, and it's refreshing to know as long as he's willing to stay, his job isn't going anywhere.

5. I have a budget: This may sound silly, but it coincides with the above statement. I have a budget for food, gas, clothing, and other things. I was grumbling to a friend today about my lack of funds to feed a family of five, and how making it stretch is difficult sometimes. Indeed, it is, but we've never been hungry, cold, or without what we need. I've learned to prioritize my life and always put my kids and husband first. I can go without getting my hair cut this week just knowing my pantry and freezer will be full, and I can skip going to lunch with friends if it means signing my oldest up for soccer or paying for preschool instead. When there's extra, I find myself picking up little surprised for my kids, accidentally (ok, on purpose) not packing my husband's lunch so he can enjoy something special at work from a place only in town. Every once in a while, when I do treat myself to a coffee or lunch with friends, it's extra sweet, because I feel like I earned it.

6. I have friends: I mentioned feeling like I was forcing friendships that will never be, and ignoring those right in front of me who want to be a part of my life. I have resolved to change this part of my life, it's important to have healthy relationships as examples for my children. I've brushed people off, canceled plans, and ignored invites because I was worried they weren't genuine, and I would hate if someone did that to me. I look forward to making new friends for myself, and my kids, and spending my time enjoying my life instead of sulking around feeling bad about it. I have best friends, friends I would trust with my life, and they're irreplaceable. No, they all don't live close by, but when we can, we visit each other and pick up right where we left off. Those are the friendships that will last a lifetime.

7: I have great parents: My mom died nearly 16 years ago, but she's not been lost. Her lessons, her words, they're with me always. My dad, yes, he gets on my nerves and under my skin, but that's what parents do, isn't it? Together, they've instilled in me a passion to raise my children in such a way that makes this world a better place. They will be polite, generous, smart, kind, and wholesome. They will make me proud, they already do, and I know part of it is because of me, and because of my parents. I hope my parents know what they mean to me, and I make them proud.

The buck doesn't stop here, there is so much more to my life than the few things I posted here tonight, these are just the things that keep me grounded. These are the things I need in my life, and the things I need to remind myself of when I'm feeling down, because..

Ain't nobody got time fo dat!

January 20, 2013

Baby Fever

I'll admit it, the thought crosses my mind multiple times a day. I have baby fever! What I wouldn't give to hear that newborn cry again, so tiny and new. To smell the sweet baby skin, to hold a little bundle of joy in my arms, I crave it. I long for those chubby little legs and the late night feedings, the endless piles of blankets and bibs, every bit of it. I'm prepared for the sleepless nights and the bags under my eyes, I don't care about those things, I just want another sweet baby to smooch!

We all know that isn't going to happen, so today at the park, I took time to just sit and watch each of my three beautiful children. They have developed their own personalities, so different from each other, and it's absolutely fascinating. They have lots of things in common, they're all very polite, very compassionate, and they love each other very much. The relationships they have with each other are enough to bring me to tears, they make me so proud. I hope to be not only their mom, but their best friend one day. After all, they get their best qualities from me.

I know you can't see her face in this picture, but Laila is a thinker. She's constantly lost in her own thoughts, a world where she's comfortable, and free. I wish, sometime, just for a minute I could see what she sees. She's grown beyond her years, diabetes will do that to a child. The responsibility that lies on her shoulders is greater than that of most adults, and I know she can handle it. She is the oldest, and acts like she's a grown adult! I have to remind her, constantly, to be child! Go play, enjoy being carefree and irresponsible! Make a mess and clean it later. Laila would rather read a book, draw a picture, or practice school work. She reminds me of myself at her age, with her nose constantly stuck in a book.

I can only dream of being as happy as Kenadi is. This child has not a care in the world, and she is as free as a bird. Her thoughts fly to the furthest away planet and back again, and her imagination is inspiring. She is creative and mothering in a way I hope she sees me. She gets so lost in play, she forgets what she was doing half the time, she's the total opposite of her big sister, and a true middle child. She is a big sister to her brother when Laila's at school, but when Laila comes home each day, she worships the ground Laila steps on. Watching her today reminded me just how gentle and precious she really is. I have to remind myself not to rush her to grow up.

Dustin, Jr. is everything I never knew I always wanted. He took my breath away the second he arrived, and he continues to do so every single day of my life. I never dreamed having a son would be like this. After two girls, I wasn't prepared for dinosaurs, trucks, or Buzz Lightyear, but I couldn't imagine my life without it. He is very OCD, very routine and structured, he would watch Toy Story (1, 2, or 3) on repeat if I allowed it, and he is only affectionate on his terms. Today, he played alone almost the entire day, and it made me smile. Being the youngest, he spends his days sharing everything he owns, including me. Playing alone at the park meant he didn't have to share, he did his own thing and he loved every minute of it. I do my best to enjoy him to the fullest, because he's my last baby, and my only son.

January 19, 2013

Another Year Older!

This is the third year in a row I took my kids to the same park in mid-January to feed the ducks and play on the jungle-gym. We enjoyed 70+ degree weather, it was gorgeous! I had to document our annual trip with a photo! I'm sad to say they don't all fit in each other's lap on the slide anymore, but they had a blast trying! They're growing like weeds! Here is a recap of the three years we've done so far.



Wow! They look so different, and so much the same! It's amazing how much can change in a year!

January 07, 2013

Taking A Break

It's been nearly two months since my last post. I have so much to say, and yet, nothing at the same time. I've taken a break from life, from going out with friends, from defining myself by who I hang out with and the choices I feel obligated to make.

It feels good. It feels damn good.

Over the past couple of months, Dustin and I have done a lot with our relationship as a couple and as a family. We've made it a point to include our children in more of the conversations we have about our future, we ask their input and really consider their opinions and feelings. I have to remind myself children are people too, with good days and bad days, and with feelings that matter. They're not only students, but teachers as well. Each child has taught me how to better parent the next, how to be patient, loving, and kind. I constantly remind myself to be the mom I want them to have, the mom I want them to remember as they grow older and become parents themselves.

Recently, Dustin Jr. transitioned from a crib to a toddler bed. I fully expected it to be a rough road, he's very structured and doesn't react well to change. Luckily, it was Buzz Lightyear to the rescue, and he adores his new bed. As Dustin and I disassembled the crib, I caught myself feeling a wave of emotions I thought I had already conquered. That crib, which is still sitting in my garage, belonged first to Laila, second to Kenadi, and last to my son. I thought I was prepared for it, I had convinced myself that after nearly 8 years of staring at the same piece of furniture, it was time for it to go. Wrong. What I wasn't prepared for were the flashbacks. As I ran my hand along the railing and felt Laila's teeth marks from when we lived in the apartment in Michigan, the first tear of many fell down my cheek. When I spotted the formula stains Kenadi left on the base board of the crib from when we lived in our old house, a dozen more tears followed. Finally, as I changed the sheet on the mattress, I saw the streaks of black permanent marker my son had left one day, here in his bedroom in this very house, and I cried. Hard. Not for the loss of this crib, or my children's baby years, but for the end of that stage in our lives, and my time as a parent.

In addition to being handsome, my son has also become quite the artist! He has colored on nearly all my cream colored walls with an assortment of colored crayons! Rest assured, he's not the only child to have decorated my walls, my friend's daughter has also helped. I decided it was due time to clean up the walls with a fresh coat or two of paint. Saturday afternoon I cracked open the can, got my roller ready, and went to town! The first few walls had just a few markings, but once I made my way to the living room. I found a whole canvas of artwork. Looking back, I probably should have photographed it so I won't ever forget, but at the time I was in a hurry. I smiled to myself, (let's not try and kid anyone, I cried then, too) and thought of all the good times I've had in the years we've spent turning this house into a home. I've created such a relationship with my neighbor and friend, I've literally watched our kids grow up together. Our youngest kids have been born since our friendship began, and the kids have accomplished so many milestones together that painting over those memories from our children nearly broke my heart.

Good things are coming, new adventures await us, I can feel it in my bones. The stars are going to align and take us to a new, uncharted land. I have to believe it, or it will never come true. As long as I keep my chin up, my heart in the right place, and settle for nothing less than what I deserve, I will be unstoppable. My marriage will flourish, my children will grow and be successful and my life will be complete.

Until next time.