The Smith's

The Smith's

February 18, 2010

Feeding the Ducks

It was gorgeous out, Dustin had the day off, and there was nothing to do. We stopped by Basha's, grabbed a 99 cent loaf of bread and took the girls to Cobblestone to feed the ducks. I had no idea I'd be in for the time of my life. These little girls are my heart and soul; 99 cents and one hour later, we were their heros.

Laila and Dustin did most of the feeding, I couldn't put my camera down! There were so many ducks, they even came up onto the sidewalk where we were sitting to enjoy a few pieces of bread. Kenadi, on the other hand, didn't bother getting down off the bench. She was enjoying the fluffy white bread just as much as those ducks. When her piece was gone, she was ready to go, and ready for a nap!

I think sometimes I forget about the little things in life, like feeding the ducks. I'm always so busy, cleaning this, washing that, shuffling Laila off to school, cooking meals, I don't take time out to just live, be, enjoy. I haven't enjoyed myself this much in a long time. No watches ticking, no phones ringing, nobody asking for this or that, just the quiet outdoors and my beautiful family. Who could ask for more than that? Call me selfish, but these are the moments I live for, and I will take my time enjoying them, soaking up the sunshine of their smiles.

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