I have some catching up to do! I haven't posted anything about my shopping trip, or our adventure to feed the ducks today! Here's a quick recap.
Today we went to feed the ducks at one of the developments in our area that actually has fountains. The ducks didn't seem to hungry, but we still had fun! Laila and her little girl friends didn't care if the ducks were eating what they were throwing to them, and they looked cute as ever. We had lots of snacks and friends to keep us busy! We got to play in the grass, even if it was a bit crunchy! I am a horrible mom, and forgot the sun screen! Kenadi, Laila and I all got a little red on our shoulders and chests. Even the part in Kenadi's hair is sunburned!
When Dustin has a day or two off, we try to treat the kids with something special. Whether it's dessert, a day out, a special toy, we're never quite sure, but we try to make the most of it. We decided on a big ice cream sundae for the girls, and he sat and fed it to them (and even had some for himself too!) and they just loved it! They couldn't get it fast enough, but they shared so well! It was adorable. I'm seeing the differences and similarities they share, their personalities grow and change every day, it's amazing. I love being their mom!
I just want to post this last photo from today, it's a side by side of Laila and Kenadi. I can't believe how much they look alike! Dustin always jokes about Kenadi coming from the "post man", but I think after this there will be no more post man jokes! My sweet blonde babies!
Laila 4 1/2 yrs.
Kenadi 18 mo.
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