The Smith's

The Smith's

November 07, 2010

3 Months

I know this post is late, my son is now 3 1/2 months old, but he manages to keep me busy enough I don't always remember what I'm supposed to be posting about!

He is growing like a weed, there is no doubt! The last time I weighed him, he was just over 14 pounds! He is a very big boy, he makes me so proud. He is smiling and cooing, and I can't tell if he's laughed yet. He smiles and coos and breathes heavy, and sometimes sounds like a laugh, other times it doesn't.

He is a rolling machine! He's so mobile I'm surprised he hasn't started army crawling yet! He rolls from stomach to back, and back to stomach, with no problems at all. He started rolling over around two months while he was sleeping, and now he's a pro. He rolls across the living room until he runs into the couch or the wall, and gets angry that he's stuck. He absolutely loves the bumbo seat, too. He sits in it and talks to himself, he's such a good baby.

Please, if you're reading this, resist the urge to climb through your screen and slap me. He sleeps so well at night, it's almost unbelievable. He sleeps on average, 12-14 hours a night, and he still takes a few good naps during the day. I haven't started him on cereal or food yet, though I plan to soon. I have given him a taste of a few things when we have been out and about, he seems to like refried beans and carrots! Just like his daddy, I guess.

The girls absolutely love him, they help feed him and talk to him when he's crabby. They are such a big help to me, I couldn't ask for a better family!

Here are some photos of my handsome little man over the past month:

Oh, how I love him.

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe how big he is getting. He looks like he has grown sense the photo shoot. lol.
