Yesterday, I took lil man to the doctor for his well check and shots. He's just over 4 1/2 months old, but you could never tell by looking at him! He weighed in at a whopping 17.5 pounds and measured at 27 inches long! I went back through Laila and Kenadi's baby books, and neither of them weighed that much until at least 7-9 months! What a little chunker I have!
He did great at the doctor, he's right on track with his milestones. The doctor said he's ok to eat cereal and baby food, whichever he prefers. I tried him on cereal a few times, and he just makes the most awful faces! He's doing great on solids though, I just have to cut him off, because he sure loves to eat! Lucky for me, he' sleeping a solid 10-12 hours a night, sometimes longer! I've literally had to wake him up some days! Just like his daddy!
The hole in his back is doing well too, it's getting more and more shallow each month, and it's high enough above his tailbone there is no need for an ultrasound. Thank God, he's going to be just fine! We also discussed his tongue, he's seriously tongue tied, but since he's able to eat well, there's no need to cut it anytime soon. Once he's starting to talk, it will be an issue, so it will eventually need to be snipped, but not until he's a little bit bigger.
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