The Smith's

The Smith's

January 30, 2011

Day 11 of the 30 Day Photo Challenge

This seemed like it would be an easy thing to choose, considering everyone has their own dislikes and things they just can't stand. But hate-it's such a strong word, I had to be very, very careful. So, after careful consideration not to offend anyone or make a blanket statement I didn't want to defend, I picked something light-hearted and fun. If you know me, you probably already knew this was coming. Call me neurotic, but I really don't care.

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate...

Please, tell me I'm not the only one who sees something wrong with this picture. Just looking at it makes me want to rip my face off, screaming from the bottom of my lungs. This is absolutely one of the things that can get under my skin within seconds. I just find it irresponsible, lazy, and disgusting. In my house, you're lucky if you're even allowed to touch my butter tub, I prefer to butter everyone's toast for them. This way, I know it's clean, and the pattern stays nice, too. Not only the crumbs and other impurities stay out of my butter tub, but it stays nice and smooth, no big craters or holes in my butter.

I found this on a blog somewhere, and I laughed out loud. That's how I knew I picked the right thing to "hate", and that my hatred wasn't limited to just myself. For those of you who can’t seem to manage the highly technical process of buttering a piece of toast, here’s a helpful tip: You know that rule about double dipping? Well it also applies to butter and your crusty little bread crumb covered knife. There you have it folks, one thing I hate. Toast crumbs in my butter tub.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it Joli...very safe too :)

    I'm TOTALLY with you on the pattern of the butter thing. The nice thing about living on my own (with a 3-year old) is I can do whatever I want with my butter :)
