Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget...
This photo encompasses so much, and you can't even really see anything. Just a silly old apartment sign and some shrubs. For me, this was my life for years. After my mom died, I found trouble, and stuck to it like a magnet. I hooked up with the wrong guy, moved into the wrong neighborhood, and made the wrong friends. I mistaken abuse for love, drugs and alcohol for a good time, and friends were meerly gateways to bad decisions.
This apartment held me hostage, I felt like I could do anything when I lived there, but in reality, I couldn't escape. I ran away, I hid my problems old problems and found new ones. I broke hearts, ruined friendships, and hurt myself in ways unimaginable. I blame it on this place, I hate the feeling that tears through my stomach when I see this picture, when I'm reminded of this awful apartment building. I hate who I used to be.
The person I'm reminded of when I look at this picture is someone I don't even know anymore. I have grown up, changed my life around, and moved on. I'll never forget the things that happened here, they are scars-both physical and emotional-that will never disappear. Those same scars have made me stronger, more independent, even confident. I guess, in some strange way, I have this place to thank.
What a JOYOUS picture! It's a picture of what you have overcome! Yes, those years were "dark" but looking back REJOICE at what you were able to overcome that SO MANY people NEVER will!