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Kindergarten Is Over
When I realized Laila would be graduating kindergarten, a picture flashed in my mind. One I took years ago. Things weren't exactly as expected, she didn't wear a cap and gown, but I know one day she will. She'll be 18 year old, walking down the aisle to grab her diploma, and these are going to be the images flashing in my head:
Now, school's out for summer and it's still hard to believe my baby has officially been promoted to first grade. I must admit, I swore I wouldn't get choked up at her graduation ceremony, but when they finished, I cried like a baby. I have never been so proud in my whole life. Thinking back to when I found out I was pregnant, I prepared the best I could for her to crawl, walk, and talk. Somehow, someway, it slipped my mind that she would eventually be growing into a beautiful little girl, and eventually, a woman.
This school year hasn't exactly been easy on anyone. We originally signed Laila up to go to a charter school here in town, focusing more on the social learning than the strict academics. She seemed to be doing well even though I didn't like her teacher. Just days after her first day of school, her teacher was sending notes and scolding Laila for using the bathroom too much. Little did we know then, it wasn't her fault. After finding out she is a type 1 diabetic, things changed drastically. Not only was I in charger of her every minute of every day at home, I had to be responsible for her while she was at school, too. The principal refused to even consider training anyone on the staff to help in case of emergency, and there was no plan to hire a nurse. I cried the whole way home from dropping her off at school each morning, praying my baby would be okay until lunch time when I would drive to the office to give her insulin.

I couldn't handle it, the mere thought of her dropping like a fly and no one being trained to help her was too much. I went and visited the public school district and met with the health director. That next day I had a meeting set up with Santa Rosa Elementary school: the nurse, principal, teacher, and the health director. Still to this day I can hardly express my gratitude to these wonderful people for how they have helped me transition into the life of a mother to a diabetic. Knowing there was a registered nurse available at all times, every day, was almost unbelievable! The words "chronic illness", "blood glucose levels" and "novalog" were still fluttering through my head, but at least I had time to digress. Knowing she was safe at school was the first step in the right direction.
She's had no problems making friends, in fact, her "buddy" Kaytlyn, is her best friend. They have such an amazing relationship, Kaytlyn has even mastered checking Laila's sugar and giving her insulin in case of an emergency. I think Laila's so comfortable with it now she just has Kaytlyn give her her shots just for giggles, we all know Laila can do them just fine on her own. The two of them have blossomed so much in the past few months, it's hard to think they've only known each other a few months. Sharing the same birthday is just the beginning of the things they have in common, it's so great to know Diabetes is the last thing on Kaytlyn's mind when she thinks of Laila. Watching their friendship gives me so much hope for the future.
Laila's grades are outstanding, her report cards have been great! She's enjoyed ballet and tap dance this year, and managed to keep her grades where they need to be. Each day, reaching into her backpack and revealing a new surprise has been the highlight of my afternoons. Seeing right before my eyes the way she is growing, exploring, learning, it's truly amazing. I'm not prepared for prom, science projects, reports, and marching band, but I am prepared to catch her whenever she falls. I'm ready to help her when she stumbles, and be her biggest fan. Every day she's asking questions, telling stories, reading books, and there are times I think she might just burst if she doesn't stop talking, but she's got her whole life ahead of her, and I know it'll be a great one. She's set the bar high, the standards she has for herself are amazing, her brother and sister are going to have a lot to live up to. Laila is a great example for them, they have a fantastic role mode. So it's true,-school's out for summer-but some things will never change: she'll never stop learning, and she'll always be my baby girl.
Awe I cant believe our babies are out of Kinder. Thank you for sharing Joli. Love you