The Smith's

The Smith's

August 17, 2011

So Much Time And So Little To Do!

So much time and so little to do, wait a minute-strike that, reverse it.

Things in my life have been out of control, can't catch my breath, never getting a break, running on coffee and Coca-Cola kind of busy. Not my idea of a good time. There's no way I can possibly remember everything to catch you all up, but I'll give a brief synopsis of the things I do remember, and we'll just go from there.

One of my best friends from school decided to move here to teach at Maricopa High School! Let me just start by saying even though I don't see her, or even talk to her every day, knowing she's just 2 miles away is a security blanket I've been without for years, and I love having it back. We even managed to spend an afternoon indulging in retail therapy already, and she hasn't even been here a month. Before I get too carried away with all the great things about her, lets start with her arrival. She came in the last weekend of July in hopes of having her house set up and ready to go by Monday. No such luck, as she ended up spending an entire week on my couch. We finally found her a couch and chaise lounge, managed to get the cable hooked up and the new appliances placed, and she's in and happy! Well, almost. Southwest Gas has been giving her the runaround about fixing her hot water heater, the pilot light is out, and no hot water means no hot showers! Luckily she lives alone and isn't sharing hot water with anyone else. Slowly but surly, she's getting the house together and getting adjusted to life in the desert. I hope she enjoys being here as much as I enjoy having her.

Evelien has arrived safe and sound! Ironically, the same day Andrea arrived! She has been here 3 weeks and I can't imagine life without her! She's so beautiful, blonde hair, blue eyes, and a winning smile. The boys at school have already taken notice to her adorable ways, and she has already been on a date! It's wonderful having another person here to talk to, cook with, and bounce ideas off of. We have so many of the same likes and dislikes, it's so easy to talk to her. I can't even begin to count the pounds of grapes we have shared, or the laughs that went along with them. When I decided to host, I imagined this would give me a glimpse into the future, some insight as to what life would be like with Laila 10 years from now. Now, I realize that isn't the case. Laila is Laila, and Evelien is Evelien. I love them both, and they are so very different. I am so glad we made the decision to host an exchange student, and I'm positive I got the cream of the crop.

My son, my sweet, sweet son, has started walking. Running. Speed racing, even. His little legs don't quite keep up with how fast he thinks he's going, and he often tumbles face first into the carpet, but that doesn't stop him from getting back up for more! He is a bundle of joy, and now that he's walking, I fear I'm truly in trouble! I thought he was into everything before, now that he can walk, he has also learned to stand on his tip-toes and reach for things he can't even see! Boy, do I have my hands full!

Laila has started first grade. Each day, my heart breaks a little more as I feel my baby slipping through my grasp and growing into a big girl. She loves her teacher and is having a great time learning! I am so proud of her and the quality of work she is bringing home. She is now fully on the insulin pump, though we've had a rough start, I do believe it's for the best. I love watching Laila's face light up every time she gives herself insulin  and doesn't have to be poked. Now that school is in session, it's time to start deciding on fall activities! Today Laila sampled a Hula dance class! She said she really enjoyed it, and would like to go to another one. In another few weeks she'll start Jazz/Funk (aka Hip-Hop) and girl scouts! Hard to believe in just 12 days my daughter is going to be 6 years old. Wise beyond her years, she's as beautiful as can be, and I love her more than I ever dreamed possible.

My sweet Kenadi, that little girl is a hot mess! She finished the summer program at Jumpstart Academy with Miss Jen and she loved it! Dustin and I decided she's not quite ready to go to preschool full time, maybe next year. I can't promise that decision was based solely on her abilities, my feelings of empty nest have already impacted my decision! In all honesty, the tuition was something I didn't feel I could commit to affording each month. In less than a month's time my gorgeous Boo Boo is going to be 3 years old. I can hardly believe it when I look at her, she's blossoming into a sweet, intelligent, caring little girl. She definitely makes me proud to be her mommy.

Dustin has been working over time, bringing home the bacon! Things just seem to fall apart all at once in my house, first my computer took a dump, my car insurance lapsed, and among other things I need a new kitchen table. Every time we get ahead, even a tiny bit, it feels like something even more demanding comes up. No matter what, we are a great support system for each other and manage to make it through. I sure do love that man.

In the mean time, I have been baking my pants off! Meeting new people in the community, networking, and just having a blast getting to know my new life has really kept my on my toes! I am experiencing Arizona in a whole new light, seeing things for the first time I've never noticed, and giving boring old experiences a new glance. It's really an experience I can't explain, but a feeling I'll never forget. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm ready to go back to bed! I'm exhausted after reading that post! Whew! Sounds like you're all up to GREAT things though! I'm so glad you have a really good friend close by now (tell Andrea I said HI) and that things are going great with your exchange student and BAKING!

    I can't believe Jerimiah starts school next fall already...I'm already panicking about that! Keep it up girl, but don't forget to take some U time in there too (even if it's just in the shower)
