The Smith's

The Smith's

September 22, 2011

Party Time!

My sweet husband works his hands to the bone so my children and I can have the life we do. Endless hours of overtime, holidays missed, vacations postponed, and plenty of heartbreak. I suppose too often it goes without saying just how much we appreciate him, and what he does to keep our family afloat. To show my appreciation, I decided to throw him a little "meet and greet" type of party to introduce him to some of my newer friends here in Maricopa. When I created the invite online, I ended up inviting a few more people than I originally intended...

...but it all turned out ok! Drinks were had, food was enjoyed, and there was plenty of laughter!

Check out those gorgeous ladies!

Oops! We wore the same shirt!

Yes, my sweet rolls are THAT GOOD!

Who's kid is who's?

Me with some sweet cheeks! THIS is why you spent the night?!

Andrea and Lenny! Adorable!

And drunk. Wendy, I love you.

I love these girls!!

Evelien and Rebecka showed up just in time!

Have another one, Dayna!

Joli and Jennifer...trouble!

That good, huh Big D?

And FINALLY! I managed to get the pen to stand up against the beer!
A big fat thank you to all who came, I know I had a blast! See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get the e-vite! I could have been the DD of the party :)

    Glad you guys had fun though. You are such an amazing wife and mother!
