The Smith's

The Smith's

November 17, 2012

Gratitude Post 16

I'm now officially more than halfway through the month! My blessings are continuing with ease, and I love having something to post about each day.

Gratitude Day 16: I'm grateful for my dog.

I was very, very adamant about not getting a dog. We had a puppy a few years ago and it didn't work out, she was more than I could handle with 2 small kids, the last thing I wanted was a dog now that we have 3 small kids! One day, Dustin called me from work and told me an officer rescued a puppy from a car and brought her up to dispatch, and somehow, she managed to attach herself to him. It was right around the girls birthdays so I caved-what child doesn't want a sweet puppy for their birthday?

Now, nearly 18 months later, I love her to bits. Lylli was a fabulous addition to our family, she's growing right along 3 kids who love to have her. It's a wonderful feeling to see them be greeted by her when we come home. They care for her, making sure she has food and water, they pet her and love to play with her throughout the day.

I hope the kids have great memories of her when they remember their childhood, growing up with a household pet. I did, I had a dog for 14+ years and loved every minute of it. Deep down, I'm truly happy we have her.

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