So, I may be a day late, but not a dollar short. I have been extremely sick, but I have done what I said I would do, and I have tried at least one new recipe a week. I just haven't blogged about them...
The first recipe I tried, I sent to work with Dustin for dinner. It was a pork chop with orange glaze, made from fresh oranges. Sounds delish, right? He said it was one of the most awful things he's ever eaten. I felt so terrible, I crumpled up the magazine page and tossed it right into the trash. That's one mistake -I mean, recpie- I'll never make again!
Today, I tried "Cashew Cookies". The peanut gallery (obviously, Dustin and Laila) gave it 3 1/2 stars out of 5. In the process of making them, I learned a few things about myself. Now, it's nothing astounding, but at least worth sharing.
1) I think cashews are nasty, and they taste and smell, to me, like bad fish. Therefor, I did not taste the finished cookie. However, if I do say so myself, the icing is divine. (No, I'm still not sure why the cashew cookie was iced, but I didn't write the recipe).
2) I absolutely love the smell of melted butter on the stovetop. So much, in fact, that I wish they made a candle with that scent. I'd love my home to smell like melted butter all the time.
3) I can set and change my microwave timer wearing an oven mitt. Yes, I'm pretty impressed myself.
So, now I have 4 dozen iced cashew cookies and a family that hardly eats sweets. Good thing there's a playdate tomorrow morning!
January 31, 2010
January 29, 2010
Today has been one of those days, you know the kind, where you think someone stretched the tunnel out another thousand feet and there is no light in sight...the kind of day when you think you might have finally made it over the highest hurdle, and once you get to the other side, you see one twice the size of the one you just accomplished...the kind of day where you feel like you can't win for losing.
I am an emotional wreck. I have nothing left of myself to give, yet I find people keep needing, and have no problem asking. How do I ever say no? I can't, so I find another direction to stretch myself, another piece of me to give. One day, I think I may just self combust, or finally crack under the pressure.
I have nothing else to say, really, except that I'm not sure I'm cut out for this life I have made for myself. I don't know how, day after day, I continue to do it. Maybe out there in cyberspace there is an answer.
I am an emotional wreck. I have nothing left of myself to give, yet I find people keep needing, and have no problem asking. How do I ever say no? I can't, so I find another direction to stretch myself, another piece of me to give. One day, I think I may just self combust, or finally crack under the pressure.
I have nothing else to say, really, except that I'm not sure I'm cut out for this life I have made for myself. I don't know how, day after day, I continue to do it. Maybe out there in cyberspace there is an answer.
January 27, 2010
I am the cheese.
2009 was not my best year, by far. It had many more downs than ups. I am not one to dwell on the past, but learn from it, and move on, and use what I know now to help me grow and become a better person. So, that's exactly what I have done. As a result, I have lost many "friends", but I have made some I know will last a lifetime. Quality, not quantity, is what counts. Thanks, 2009, for teaching me that lesson, even if it was the hard way.
I decided to start a mom's goup here in Maricopa last fall, this little city that finally opened a Wal*Mart and has no hosptial, giving the moms here something to look forward to, and helping our children make friends. Who would have thought I'd have been the one making friends. Some of these friends were toxic, and tried to damage the relationships and friendships I have, and some have turned out to be the best friends I have ever made.
These mean girls are people I cannot, and will not bring myself to be around, or my children. I questioned myself, had I made the right choice here? Standing up for the friends they did not like in turn granted me the same treatment, the name calling, the jokes behind my back, and the less time they wanted to spend with me. Now that 2010 is here, I thought, new beginnings, maybe some people have grown up, changed over the past few months. I even tried initiating contact, and all I got was the same thing I got before. Treated like garbage. So, if by doing the right thing, I am left alone, then I will stand alone. I am the cheese.
After careful consideration of my cell phone log, and my facebook page, I see that I am not the cheese. And, if I am, I am one damn good, expensive cheese. I have friends, and mighty good ones at that. They may not all live near me, they may not drive expensive cars or wear the finest clothes, but they are worth a million bucks in my book. When someone says, "If you need anything, let me know," everyone knows they hardly mean it. These friends of mine, they mean it. I have made calls at all hours of the night, crying, laughing, or just not wanting to be alone, and who do I find on my doorstep? The ones I stood up for, not the ones I had to stand up to. These are the friends who babysit as a favor, want to spend time with me, and not only when I'm drinking and being someone else to fit in.
2010, though I'm only a portion of the way into it, has proven me right. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same, and I've never been one to give up very easily. So cheese, or no cheese, I will not stand alone. My friends are way too good to let that happen. I ♥ you, girls!
p.s. The picture posted is not meant to exclude anyone, but a recent picture I have of a few of us together. If you're not in it, it does not mean, by any means at all, that I don't love you just the same. =)
I decided to start a mom's goup here in Maricopa last fall, this little city that finally opened a Wal*Mart and has no hosptial, giving the moms here something to look forward to, and helping our children make friends. Who would have thought I'd have been the one making friends. Some of these friends were toxic, and tried to damage the relationships and friendships I have, and some have turned out to be the best friends I have ever made.
These mean girls are people I cannot, and will not bring myself to be around, or my children. I questioned myself, had I made the right choice here? Standing up for the friends they did not like in turn granted me the same treatment, the name calling, the jokes behind my back, and the less time they wanted to spend with me. Now that 2010 is here, I thought, new beginnings, maybe some people have grown up, changed over the past few months. I even tried initiating contact, and all I got was the same thing I got before. Treated like garbage. So, if by doing the right thing, I am left alone, then I will stand alone. I am the cheese.
2010, though I'm only a portion of the way into it, has proven me right. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same, and I've never been one to give up very easily. So cheese, or no cheese, I will not stand alone. My friends are way too good to let that happen. I ♥ you, girls!
p.s. The picture posted is not meant to exclude anyone, but a recent picture I have of a few of us together. If you're not in it, it does not mean, by any means at all, that I don't love you just the same. =)
January 22, 2010
"Say Goodbye"
This is a paper I wrote in comp class, junior year of high school, and I vowed I'd never, ever touch it again. Now, nearly 10 years after writing it, as I re-read it, I feel now is as good a time as any to share it with you. Grab a tissue and please, read on.
Waiting-that's what I remember most about that one awful night that changed my life forever. Waiting for the dreaded phone call that held my destiny. Late one cold, brisk December night, my sister Dawn and I awaited my father's call in my chilly basement after what felt like days of madness between my family and I.
There it was, the phone had finally began to ring after hours of anticipation. "Hello?" cracked out my terrified sister, "She might not make it through the night? But...but...I want to see her...," was all she could muster before bursting into deep, heavy sobs of pain. Faint mutters could be heard coming from the phone as she gripped it with her life, and the life of my mother. I sat and stared wide-eyed at my crying sister, unable to speak, move, or breathe. It was definite, the cancer had finally taken over my mother's body, there was nothing we could do. The woman who I had admired for her strengh had finally been defeated. I kept asking myself how this could be, I was only 13. This was never supposed to happen-it was just yesterday that I was having a talk with her about my latest crush, giggling like a schoolgirl over popcorn and a movie, and now that had all been ripped away from me like I never had it to begin with. Sitting there next to my sister, I didn't know what to do. I reached over and put my arms around her, but I just couldn't seem to get the awful thoughts of that night out of my head.
"Mom? Mom! Breathe, Mom! Don! Get in here now!" screamed Mark, my eldest brother, across the hallway from my father, "Dawn-call 911" Those were the pitiful cries that awoke me as my brother shook my breathless mother.
"What? What's happening?" shouted my tired and abruptly awakened father.
"Get in here, NOW Call 911! Call 911!" was all I heard from my place on the couch, where I didn't even belong. My eyes widened as I watched my sister stumble across the hallway to the bedroom and fumble with the phone, desperately trying to manipulate her fingers to dial the number that was obviously needed.
"Nevermind, Dawn. Cancel the ambulance and call Kim," ordered my dad, "I think we've got it under control."
"Are you sure?" she asked, shakily.
"Yeah, go ahead," stammered my dad.
Moments later, which felt like the droned on for hours, our friendly neighbor and nurse had arrived to the aid of my mother. No sooner did Kim arrive, the problems started again.
"Dawn-call 911! Joli-stay where you are-do not come down the hallway! Stay there!" commanded Kim.
My mouth went dry and I could smell the fear drifting from the bedroom and down the hallway. I could hear faint mutters and groans seeping from the bedroom, but the rest of the house was as quiet as death. Suddenly, my sister bolted down the hallway, tears streaming down her face. She had told me it was time to go down to the basement, that the ambulance would be arriving any minute and I wasn't allowed to see my mother beign wheeled out on a medical stretcher. She tugged my arm frantically, and I lifelessly got up and walked with her to the basement door. My sister opened the door and escorted me down into the crisp, cool air of the lower level of my house. Minutes later, shouts were heard travelling from the living room through the hallway and into the bedroom, where my mom was in need of all the help she could get. Shouts of the paramedics were heard, followed by the clings and clangs of the stretcher as it was propelled down the hallway and out the front dor. Finally, my sister was called upstairs by my father, it was decided that my father and brother would ride along with the ambulance to reassure my mother, and my sister and I would stay home. My father would call us and let us know of her current condition as soon as it was established.
There was nothing else we could do but wait. Wait for that final phone call that would tell us if our mother made it or not. It was then, in the hours of silence when I had realized that my biggest fear just might come true. I had feared so much, not of my mother's death, but that she would die without knowing how much I loved her. I was so scared that I might loose her and never get to say good-bye. I might never get another chance to hug her, kiss her, see her smile. To me, she was the most beautiful person I had ever came to know, and I was worried that she may never know exactly how I felt. I knew that somehow, someway, I had to show my sister that I loved her, too. I reached over and hugged her, adn we both sat and cried. We watched the clock on the stereo in neon green numbers as the minutes slowly passed.
Thinking back on this at the time, and even today, I was absolutely terrified. At times, I still am. In a way, I am glad it happened to me, it taught me that one person's life can change in a heartbeat, that I take so many things for granted. I never did get the chance to se my mother smile again, but in my heart, she's always smiling. Even today, I try my best to enjoy life more and more each moment, because I am breathing, I am alive. Every chance I get, I tell those I care about just how much they mean to me, and I have my mother to thank for that. Another lesson well learned.
Bernadette Marie Konow
December 4, 1997
Waiting-that's what I remember most about that one awful night that changed my life forever. Waiting for the dreaded phone call that held my destiny. Late one cold, brisk December night, my sister Dawn and I awaited my father's call in my chilly basement after what felt like days of madness between my family and I.
There it was, the phone had finally began to ring after hours of anticipation. "Hello?" cracked out my terrified sister, "She might not make it through the night? But...but...I want to see her...," was all she could muster before bursting into deep, heavy sobs of pain. Faint mutters could be heard coming from the phone as she gripped it with her life, and the life of my mother. I sat and stared wide-eyed at my crying sister, unable to speak, move, or breathe. It was definite, the cancer had finally taken over my mother's body, there was nothing we could do. The woman who I had admired for her strengh had finally been defeated. I kept asking myself how this could be, I was only 13. This was never supposed to happen-it was just yesterday that I was having a talk with her about my latest crush, giggling like a schoolgirl over popcorn and a movie, and now that had all been ripped away from me like I never had it to begin with. Sitting there next to my sister, I didn't know what to do. I reached over and put my arms around her, but I just couldn't seem to get the awful thoughts of that night out of my head.
"Mom? Mom! Breathe, Mom! Don! Get in here now!" screamed Mark, my eldest brother, across the hallway from my father, "Dawn-call 911" Those were the pitiful cries that awoke me as my brother shook my breathless mother.
"What? What's happening?" shouted my tired and abruptly awakened father.
"Get in here, NOW Call 911! Call 911!" was all I heard from my place on the couch, where I didn't even belong. My eyes widened as I watched my sister stumble across the hallway to the bedroom and fumble with the phone, desperately trying to manipulate her fingers to dial the number that was obviously needed.
"Nevermind, Dawn. Cancel the ambulance and call Kim," ordered my dad, "I think we've got it under control."
"Are you sure?" she asked, shakily.
"Yeah, go ahead," stammered my dad.
Moments later, which felt like the droned on for hours, our friendly neighbor and nurse had arrived to the aid of my mother. No sooner did Kim arrive, the problems started again.
"Dawn-call 911! Joli-stay where you are-do not come down the hallway! Stay there!" commanded Kim.
My mouth went dry and I could smell the fear drifting from the bedroom and down the hallway. I could hear faint mutters and groans seeping from the bedroom, but the rest of the house was as quiet as death. Suddenly, my sister bolted down the hallway, tears streaming down her face. She had told me it was time to go down to the basement, that the ambulance would be arriving any minute and I wasn't allowed to see my mother beign wheeled out on a medical stretcher. She tugged my arm frantically, and I lifelessly got up and walked with her to the basement door. My sister opened the door and escorted me down into the crisp, cool air of the lower level of my house. Minutes later, shouts were heard travelling from the living room through the hallway and into the bedroom, where my mom was in need of all the help she could get. Shouts of the paramedics were heard, followed by the clings and clangs of the stretcher as it was propelled down the hallway and out the front dor. Finally, my sister was called upstairs by my father, it was decided that my father and brother would ride along with the ambulance to reassure my mother, and my sister and I would stay home. My father would call us and let us know of her current condition as soon as it was established.
There was nothing else we could do but wait. Wait for that final phone call that would tell us if our mother made it or not. It was then, in the hours of silence when I had realized that my biggest fear just might come true. I had feared so much, not of my mother's death, but that she would die without knowing how much I loved her. I was so scared that I might loose her and never get to say good-bye. I might never get another chance to hug her, kiss her, see her smile. To me, she was the most beautiful person I had ever came to know, and I was worried that she may never know exactly how I felt. I knew that somehow, someway, I had to show my sister that I loved her, too. I reached over and hugged her, adn we both sat and cried. We watched the clock on the stereo in neon green numbers as the minutes slowly passed.
Thinking back on this at the time, and even today, I was absolutely terrified. At times, I still am. In a way, I am glad it happened to me, it taught me that one person's life can change in a heartbeat, that I take so many things for granted. I never did get the chance to se my mother smile again, but in my heart, she's always smiling. Even today, I try my best to enjoy life more and more each moment, because I am breathing, I am alive. Every chance I get, I tell those I care about just how much they mean to me, and I have my mother to thank for that. Another lesson well learned.
Bernadette Marie Konow
December 4, 1997
January 21, 2010
My Job
Laila is learning at school about her parents, and what they do for a living. They brought home papers on Tuesday with pictures they drew, and what they told "Miss Jen" they think their parents do for a living. I was so excited to see what she said, positive she said something spectacular about what her mommy and daddy do for a living. I couldn't wait to get home to see what she said, so as Laila strapped her seat belt on, I unzipped her backpack and peeked at the sacred paper and as I did, my heart just dropped. She told the teacher I stay home and I buy food, and her daddy works overtime.
Dustin's job is quite complex, and for a 4 year old who still doesn't understand 9-1-1, it's hard to explain her daddy is a 9-1-1 police dispatcher. But my job, she makes it sound so easy. I stay home and I buy food? I must admit, my heart was smashed into a million pieces. I feel as though my everyday life has been smashed and smushed to fit into this tiny nutshell and all it encompasses is staying home and buying food.
So we were asked to write for the class what, as parents, we do. I was stumped. How do you explain to a 4 year old everything you do in one day, and everything you do for them? When I say this, I don't just mean the basics, laundry, cooking, cleaning, changing diapers and picking up toys. Scheduling appointments, packing lunches, grocery shopping, making beds, and scheduling playdates are all part of being a mom, stay at home or not. Stating the obvious just isn't going to cut it.
I feel as though I have to defend myself, and I'm not sure to who. Every day I do my best to instill the best values and manners I can into both my children. Laila and Kenadi are my world, and I will stop at nothing to make sure their lives are the best they can be. My job has no days off, no holidays, no vacation days, no comp time, overtime is non existent, as I work 24/7. The pay is crappy, I am always last to get new things and the things I want are frequently just out of reach. I am so many things I can hardly list them all, but the reward is priceless. I do know, one day, when my beautiful girls have children of their own, they will understand. Until then, I will do my best to explain to them how great my love is for them, and the things I do each day for them.
I am not just a mother, but a nurse for their wounds, both inside and out. I know I can't heal every bump or scrape with a kiss and a hug, but I'll be damned if I wont try every time. I know the hurt will be harder to bandage as they get older, and I will do my best to find new ways to mask my own pain to help heal theirs. I am not just a mad woman at the grocery store with my list and coupons, but a chef with a minor in love and care. I cook, bake, and do what I can to make sure they eat healthy, whether they're at home or snacking in the car. I will show them some of my favorite recipes in high hopes they will make them on their own one day. I also know the day will come when I pack my first school lunch, and I'm sure I'll cry, but I'll be so proud when they open their lunch at school and smile when they find a note from me, telling me I love them. I am not just here to change diapers, but I am here to give a high-five the first time they pee on the potty.
I am not just anybody, I am mommy. With Dustin working midnights, I am the reason these girls sleep soundly at night. I am their alarm clock on school days, their chauffeur, and I will forever be their biggest fan. I am not just here to show them right from wrong at home, but to instill these rights in them so strong that they never waiver in a time of question.
There is no job application for being a mom, and the credit you receive is far from what you deserve...but for some reason you keep on. I'm not sure if what I need here is luck, experience, patience, or a million dollars, but I will persevere. Come hell or high water, I will persevere.
Dustin's job is quite complex, and for a 4 year old who still doesn't understand 9-1-1, it's hard to explain her daddy is a 9-1-1 police dispatcher. But my job, she makes it sound so easy. I stay home and I buy food? I must admit, my heart was smashed into a million pieces. I feel as though my everyday life has been smashed and smushed to fit into this tiny nutshell and all it encompasses is staying home and buying food.
So we were asked to write for the class what, as parents, we do. I was stumped. How do you explain to a 4 year old everything you do in one day, and everything you do for them? When I say this, I don't just mean the basics, laundry, cooking, cleaning, changing diapers and picking up toys. Scheduling appointments, packing lunches, grocery shopping, making beds, and scheduling playdates are all part of being a mom, stay at home or not. Stating the obvious just isn't going to cut it.
I feel as though I have to defend myself, and I'm not sure to who. Every day I do my best to instill the best values and manners I can into both my children. Laila and Kenadi are my world, and I will stop at nothing to make sure their lives are the best they can be. My job has no days off, no holidays, no vacation days, no comp time, overtime is non existent, as I work 24/7. The pay is crappy, I am always last to get new things and the things I want are frequently just out of reach. I am so many things I can hardly list them all, but the reward is priceless. I do know, one day, when my beautiful girls have children of their own, they will understand. Until then, I will do my best to explain to them how great my love is for them, and the things I do each day for them.
I am not just a mother, but a nurse for their wounds, both inside and out. I know I can't heal every bump or scrape with a kiss and a hug, but I'll be damned if I wont try every time. I know the hurt will be harder to bandage as they get older, and I will do my best to find new ways to mask my own pain to help heal theirs. I am not just a mad woman at the grocery store with my list and coupons, but a chef with a minor in love and care. I cook, bake, and do what I can to make sure they eat healthy, whether they're at home or snacking in the car. I will show them some of my favorite recipes in high hopes they will make them on their own one day. I also know the day will come when I pack my first school lunch, and I'm sure I'll cry, but I'll be so proud when they open their lunch at school and smile when they find a note from me, telling me I love them. I am not just here to change diapers, but I am here to give a high-five the first time they pee on the potty.
I am not just anybody, I am mommy. With Dustin working midnights, I am the reason these girls sleep soundly at night. I am their alarm clock on school days, their chauffeur, and I will forever be their biggest fan. I am not just here to show them right from wrong at home, but to instill these rights in them so strong that they never waiver in a time of question.
There is no job application for being a mom, and the credit you receive is far from what you deserve...but for some reason you keep on. I'm not sure if what I need here is luck, experience, patience, or a million dollars, but I will persevere. Come hell or high water, I will persevere.
January 19, 2010
Labor of Love
As I start in my new journey of cooking, baking, and blogging, today I have decided to play it safe. The time is 12:04pm. 12-04, my sister's birthday...and the day my mom died. How could I not start this amazing adventure with her in mind, as a friend, a mom, a mentor, and an inspiration. Not that I ever saw my mom take out a cookbook, or even a recipe, but if you knew her, you knew she could cook.
I have a new friend in the kitchen, my KitchenAid mixer. I put it to the test today, and emerged with a smile. I have decided as my first dish, I would not make something new, but something I have yet to get just right. Pierogi. This is, hands down, one of my absoulte favorite dishes my mom made. I remember the days when she used to make them. She would make enough to feed our family, no matter who was at the table, and there always seemed to be plenty. Today, I started another batch of the tasty dough, and wondered how on earth she did it. By my calculations, to feed everyone-and believe me, I ate my fair share-she would have had to make 3-4 batches of dough, roll them, stuff them, boil them, chill them, and fry them. No wonder it took her all day! I am exhausted just thinking about the work she put in.
*Just in case you need to do a little extra reading:
I have a new friend in the kitchen, my KitchenAid mixer. I put it to the test today, and emerged with a smile. I have decided as my first dish, I would not make something new, but something I have yet to get just right. Pierogi. This is, hands down, one of my absoulte favorite dishes my mom made. I remember the days when she used to make them. She would make enough to feed our family, no matter who was at the table, and there always seemed to be plenty. Today, I started another batch of the tasty dough, and wondered how on earth she did it. By my calculations, to feed everyone-and believe me, I ate my fair share-she would have had to make 3-4 batches of dough, roll them, stuff them, boil them, chill them, and fry them. No wonder it took her all day! I am exhausted just thinking about the work she put in.
As I mix the dough and prepare to fill them with the only filling I see fit (plum, of course), I giggle to myself as I know my own daughters will be delighted to see their mom has taken the time to prepare one of their favorite dishes...pierogi. I will pick Laila up from school, letting her know in the car I have a surprise waiting for her at home. She'll beg me the entire way home to tell her, and when she walks in and smells the frying pan sizzling with butter, she'll know. Mommy made pierogi! She'll squeel and hug me, maybe tell me I'm the best mommy ever, and I'll feel the greatest reward of all, the love she has for me. I know now, why my mom went through all the trouble, all the tiring labor and backache, all the time spent in the kitchen and away from the beautiful day outside. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. It's a labor, alright, it's a labor of love.
January 17, 2010
It's Never Too Late
After watching "Julie & Julia" last night, I was inspired to push forward with my New Year's resolution. At the risk of sounding like a copy-cat, a fake, or a even a loser with nothing better to do, I have decided better late than never. My new year's resolution is to try one new recipe each week. I don't have the time, money, or energy to cook my way through an entire cookbook, and to try multiple recipes each day, so I think this is a good fit for me, and for my family.
Today marks the end of the first trimester of this pregnancy, or the beginning of the second. Only halfway through January, I haven't lost much time! I have compiled a list of 24 recipes to get me started, and almost through the rest of this pregnancy. All the recipes are affordable, and take no more than 30 minutes to prepare. I must admit, I'm rather excited! I have picked a variety of appetizers, dinners, and desserts. I can hardly wait to get started! I am going to try and cook my new recipe on the same day each week, and as long as my stomach and energy holds out, I'm going to try to blog about it! I hope what few readers I have enjoy the new adventure I am taking, and I really hope it's not too boring!
On an even happier note, tomorrow is another doctor appointment! We finally get to hear the baby's heartbeat! I am officially 13 weeks, and in case you were wondering, the morning sickness has yet to subside. I have high hopes things will get better, and I can hardly wait to meet our new addition.
Other than that, things haven't changed much. We are still adjusting to Dustin's 12 hour days at work, but the extra time off has taken us no adjusting! We love it. Football keeps him busy when he's home, well, watching it anyway. The girls are growing like weeds, and apparently so is my waistline!
As our life changes, grows, and is seemingly impossible at times, I know that we have each other, and on the worst of days, it's always enough to get by.
Today marks the end of the first trimester of this pregnancy, or the beginning of the second. Only halfway through January, I haven't lost much time! I have compiled a list of 24 recipes to get me started, and almost through the rest of this pregnancy. All the recipes are affordable, and take no more than 30 minutes to prepare. I must admit, I'm rather excited! I have picked a variety of appetizers, dinners, and desserts. I can hardly wait to get started! I am going to try and cook my new recipe on the same day each week, and as long as my stomach and energy holds out, I'm going to try to blog about it! I hope what few readers I have enjoy the new adventure I am taking, and I really hope it's not too boring!
On an even happier note, tomorrow is another doctor appointment! We finally get to hear the baby's heartbeat! I am officially 13 weeks, and in case you were wondering, the morning sickness has yet to subside. I have high hopes things will get better, and I can hardly wait to meet our new addition.
Other than that, things haven't changed much. We are still adjusting to Dustin's 12 hour days at work, but the extra time off has taken us no adjusting! We love it. Football keeps him busy when he's home, well, watching it anyway. The girls are growing like weeds, and apparently so is my waistline!
As our life changes, grows, and is seemingly impossible at times, I know that we have each other, and on the worst of days, it's always enough to get by.
January 09, 2010
Catching Up
I can't believe how far behind in blogging I've gotten. I swear, I used to have so much time I was sure I'd fill with blogging, now I seem to never have the time to blog! Let me just re-cap for everyone where we are in our lives now, and try and to do better from here on out.
One of my resolutions this year is to do better in keeping in touch with family, friends, and to make sure I have pictures taken on a regular basis for the girls. These are the moments I live for, and I will do everything in my power to never forget them.
Dustin: Tempe has now switched to a new schedule, 3-12 hour days, and 1-8 hour day every other week. Lucky Dustin, he now has to work 6pm-6am Thursday-Saturday, and every other Sunday night from 6pm-2am. I am still up in the air about how I feel about this new schedule, the benefit of having him home more nights during the week is closely outweighing barely seeing him for 3 days. We'll see how it goes, this is the first week and it's an adjustment for all of us.
He seems to be doing extremely well at Tempe. The stories he comes home with every morning never cease to amaze me. The vacation time he's banking will come in handy when the baby is born, the benefits are amazing for our family, and I am able to stay home and raise our girls. We are truly blessed he has this job.
Joli: And the good news is...I am pregnant with baby number three! We have been talking about it, throwing the idea back and forth, and just lef it up in the air. My next doctor's appointment is January 18, and we will finally be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time! How amazing! We have already picked out names for the baby, so we are anxious to find out if I'm having another girl, or breaking the mold and finally having a boy.
I am having a blast working with my mom's group here in Maricopa, the moms and kids are wonderful and really keep me busy. There are lots of fun things in store for us this year, we plan to make it a good one!
Laila: Preschool is back in swing and I think we're all glad! Laila needs the time to interact with her friends, Kenadi needs a quiet nap, and I need the time away from her. As much as we love each other, I believe some days I have created a monster! She is the most strong willed, independent 4 year old I think I've ever met.
She's so smart-learning to read, write, and just blows me away with what she's learning! Soon she will be "graduating" with a cap and gown (yes, from preschool!) and I will cry, thinking my baby is gone forever. I'm glad she's the one to set the standard, it's a high bar she's setting, but she's doing it gracefully.
Kenadi: Talk about growing like a weed! This little girl never stops! I think she may finally be starting to talk, which is great, because I'm so tired of hearing "ahh yaaa" and having her point at everything. She's saying what I think are words for "juice", "up", "please", "all done" and occasionally "thank you". =) At least she's polite!
She's now wearing 24 month clothes, and is not even 18 months old yet! She's making lots of friends and enjoying the play groups we have during the week. I'm hoping she makes as good of a big sister to the new baby as Laila is to her.
I hope everyone is doing well and starting the new year off with a bang! We are taking things one day at a time, and doing our best to make it look easy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a pint of Dove chocolate ice cream calling my name from the freezer...♥
One of my resolutions this year is to do better in keeping in touch with family, friends, and to make sure I have pictures taken on a regular basis for the girls. These are the moments I live for, and I will do everything in my power to never forget them.
Dustin: Tempe has now switched to a new schedule, 3-12 hour days, and 1-8 hour day every other week. Lucky Dustin, he now has to work 6pm-6am Thursday-Saturday, and every other Sunday night from 6pm-2am. I am still up in the air about how I feel about this new schedule, the benefit of having him home more nights during the week is closely outweighing barely seeing him for 3 days. We'll see how it goes, this is the first week and it's an adjustment for all of us.
He seems to be doing extremely well at Tempe. The stories he comes home with every morning never cease to amaze me. The vacation time he's banking will come in handy when the baby is born, the benefits are amazing for our family, and I am able to stay home and raise our girls. We are truly blessed he has this job.
Joli: And the good news is...I am pregnant with baby number three! We have been talking about it, throwing the idea back and forth, and just lef it up in the air. My next doctor's appointment is January 18, and we will finally be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time! How amazing! We have already picked out names for the baby, so we are anxious to find out if I'm having another girl, or breaking the mold and finally having a boy.
I am having a blast working with my mom's group here in Maricopa, the moms and kids are wonderful and really keep me busy. There are lots of fun things in store for us this year, we plan to make it a good one!
Laila: Preschool is back in swing and I think we're all glad! Laila needs the time to interact with her friends, Kenadi needs a quiet nap, and I need the time away from her. As much as we love each other, I believe some days I have created a monster! She is the most strong willed, independent 4 year old I think I've ever met.
She's so smart-learning to read, write, and just blows me away with what she's learning! Soon she will be "graduating" with a cap and gown (yes, from preschool!) and I will cry, thinking my baby is gone forever. I'm glad she's the one to set the standard, it's a high bar she's setting, but she's doing it gracefully.
Kenadi: Talk about growing like a weed! This little girl never stops! I think she may finally be starting to talk, which is great, because I'm so tired of hearing "ahh yaaa" and having her point at everything. She's saying what I think are words for "juice", "up", "please", "all done" and occasionally "thank you". =) At least she's polite!
She's now wearing 24 month clothes, and is not even 18 months old yet! She's making lots of friends and enjoying the play groups we have during the week. I'm hoping she makes as good of a big sister to the new baby as Laila is to her.
I hope everyone is doing well and starting the new year off with a bang! We are taking things one day at a time, and doing our best to make it look easy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a pint of Dove chocolate ice cream calling my name from the freezer...♥
A Little Help From My Friends
I love that song, and how true it is.
There are days when I absolutely feel like I may die, right there, on the spot...and a friend calls or texts to ask how I'm feeling, or if I want some company. This pregnancy has taken a toll on me unlike anything my other two even compared to. I am sick, tired, drained, exhausted, nauseated, you name it! I am so anxious to hear a heartbeat these days I am actually counting down the days until my next doctor's appointment! I actually have friends offering to watch Laila and Kenadi while I'm there, what a miracle that is! To not have to take my 2 girls to the doctor, make them sit and wait, as we all lose our patience. My friends are as good as gold in my book.
I believe everyone has days when they feel like they can't win for losing. I just happen to have those days a lot more frequently than the average "Jane". I have no way of thanking my friends and family enough for putting up with the good and the bad, and sticking it out to be there for me.
Today, a few friends and I went to get pedicures at the nail salon here in town. I doubt I said 10 words the entire time we were there, but not once did anyone ask me why. They asked how I was feeling, if I needed anything, and the chatter about my upcoming baby was buzzing from chair to chair. I feel so blessed to have these amazing women in my life, I thank God for them every day.
There are days when I absolutely feel like I may die, right there, on the spot...and a friend calls or texts to ask how I'm feeling, or if I want some company. This pregnancy has taken a toll on me unlike anything my other two even compared to. I am sick, tired, drained, exhausted, nauseated, you name it! I am so anxious to hear a heartbeat these days I am actually counting down the days until my next doctor's appointment! I actually have friends offering to watch Laila and Kenadi while I'm there, what a miracle that is! To not have to take my 2 girls to the doctor, make them sit and wait, as we all lose our patience. My friends are as good as gold in my book.
♫♪What would you think if I sang out of tune
Would you stand up and walk out on me
Would you stand up and walk out on me
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
and I'll try not to sing out of key♫♪
I believe everyone has days when they feel like they can't win for losing. I just happen to have those days a lot more frequently than the average "Jane". I have no way of thanking my friends and family enough for putting up with the good and the bad, and sticking it out to be there for me.
♫♪Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends
Mm, Gonna try with a little help from my friends♫♪
Today, a few friends and I went to get pedicures at the nail salon here in town. I doubt I said 10 words the entire time we were there, but not once did anyone ask me why. They asked how I was feeling, if I needed anything, and the chatter about my upcoming baby was buzzing from chair to chair. I feel so blessed to have these amazing women in my life, I thank God for them every day.
January 04, 2010
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Wow, am I behind! Another Christmas has come and gone, and for those of you who know me, know how little I enjoy the holiday season. Just a quick re-cap for you all, since I am so far behind on blogging lately, I made a photo collage of a few pictures I took on Christmas morning. The girls were treated fabulously by Santa, as were Dustin and myself. We are now the proud owners of a PS3 and a new Kitchen Aid Mixer, I bet you can guess which gift belonged to who. I hope everyone out there enjoyed Christmas, I was in such a rush to take the decorations down I have no pictures of our tree this year!
New Years was just another day at the Smith house as well! Dustin had to bring in the new year being an everyday hero, taking those 9-1-1 calls and helping out the crazy citizens of Tempe. The girls and I were all asleep before 10pm, oh the joys of being a parent. These are the things I used to love as a child, staying up late, watching the ball drop-now I'm happy to get a decent night's sleep! Take care everyone, and remember to stick to those resolutions!
New Years was just another day at the Smith house as well! Dustin had to bring in the new year being an everyday hero, taking those 9-1-1 calls and helping out the crazy citizens of Tempe. The girls and I were all asleep before 10pm, oh the joys of being a parent. These are the things I used to love as a child, staying up late, watching the ball drop-now I'm happy to get a decent night's sleep! Take care everyone, and remember to stick to those resolutions!
Live well, laugh often, love much.
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