The Smith's

The Smith's

January 21, 2010

My Job

Laila is learning at school about her parents, and what they do for a living. They brought home papers on Tuesday with pictures they drew, and what they told "Miss Jen" they think their parents do for a living. I was so excited to see what she said, positive she said something spectacular about what her mommy and daddy do for a living. I couldn't wait to get home to see what she said, so as Laila strapped her seat belt on, I unzipped her backpack and peeked at the sacred paper and as I did, my heart just dropped. She told the teacher I stay home and I buy food, and her daddy works overtime.

Dustin's job is quite complex, and for a 4 year old who still doesn't understand 9-1-1, it's hard to explain her daddy is a 9-1-1 police dispatcher. But my job, she makes it sound so easy. I stay home and I buy food? I must admit, my heart was smashed into a million pieces. I feel as though my everyday life has been smashed and smushed to fit into this tiny nutshell and all it encompasses is staying home and buying food.

So we were asked to write for the class what, as parents, we do. I was stumped. How do you explain to a 4 year old everything you do in one day, and everything you do for them? When I say this, I don't just mean the basics, laundry, cooking, cleaning, changing diapers and picking up toys. Scheduling appointments, packing lunches, grocery shopping, making beds, and scheduling playdates are all part of being a mom, stay at home or not. Stating the obvious just isn't going to cut it.

I feel as though I have to defend myself, and I'm not sure to who. Every day I do my best to instill the best values and manners I can into both my children. Laila and Kenadi are my world, and I will stop at nothing to make sure their lives are the best they can be. My job has no days off, no holidays, no vacation days, no comp time, overtime is non existent, as I work 24/7. The pay is crappy, I am always last to get new things and the things I want are frequently just out of reach. I am so many things I can hardly list them all, but the reward is priceless. I do know, one day, when my beautiful girls have children of their own, they will understand. Until then, I will do my best to explain to them how great my love is for them, and the things I do each day for them.

I am not just a mother, but a nurse for their wounds, both inside and out. I know I can't heal every bump or scrape with a kiss and a hug, but I'll be damned if I wont try every time. I know the hurt will be harder to bandage as they get older, and I will do my best to find new ways to mask my own pain to help heal theirs. I am not just a mad woman at the grocery store with my list and coupons, but a chef with a minor in love and care. I cook, bake, and do what I can to make sure they eat healthy, whether they're at home or snacking in the car. I will show them some of my favorite recipes in high hopes they will make them on their own one day. I also know the day will come when I pack my first school lunch, and I'm sure I'll cry, but I'll be so proud when they open their lunch at school and smile when they find a note from me, telling me I love them. I am not just here to change diapers, but I am here to give a high-five the first time they pee on the potty.

I am not just anybody, I am mommy. With Dustin working midnights, I am the reason these girls sleep soundly at night. I am their alarm clock on school days, their chauffeur, and I will forever be their biggest fan. I am not just here to show them right from wrong at home, but to instill these rights in them so strong that they never waiver in a time of question.

There is no job application for being a mom, and the credit you receive is far from what you deserve...but for some reason you keep on. I'm not sure if what I need here is luck, experience, patience, or a million dollars, but I will persevere. Come hell or high water, I will persevere.

1 comment:

  1. and now, it's my turn to cry. oh joli, that was so beautiful. of course laila couldn't begin to understand all of that. and you know she won't fully understand until she has a child of her own. but as she gets older, she will realize what you do, and probably, as most of us have done, take advantage of it at some point. but that's life, and that's livin' and she is gonna grow up all the better b/c of all that food you bought when she was 4. i love you...and you're such an awesome mom!
