I decided to start a mom's goup here in Maricopa last fall, this little city that finally opened a Wal*Mart and has no hosptial, giving the moms here something to look forward to, and helping our children make friends. Who would have thought I'd have been the one making friends. Some of these friends were toxic, and tried to damage the relationships and friendships I have, and some have turned out to be the best friends I have ever made.
These mean girls are people I cannot, and will not bring myself to be around, or my children. I questioned myself, had I made the right choice here? Standing up for the friends they did not like in turn granted me the same treatment, the name calling, the jokes behind my back, and the less time they wanted to spend with me. Now that 2010 is here, I thought, new beginnings, maybe some people have grown up, changed over the past few months. I even tried initiating contact, and all I got was the same thing I got before. Treated like garbage. So, if by doing the right thing, I am left alone, then I will stand alone. I am the cheese.
2010, though I'm only a portion of the way into it, has proven me right. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same, and I've never been one to give up very easily. So cheese, or no cheese, I will not stand alone. My friends are way too good to let that happen. I ♥ you, girls!
p.s. The picture posted is not meant to exclude anyone, but a recent picture I have of a few of us together. If you're not in it, it does not mean, by any means at all, that I don't love you just the same. =)
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