August 29 was Laila's fifth birthday. I am so very excited, and very sad. I can't believe my baby girl is not a baby anymore, but blossoming into a gorgeous little girl. She's in school full time and absolutely loving it. She's still adjusting to missing her friends and playdates, but she is making new friends and enjoys the alone time away from her brother and sister. For her birthday she wanted a purple cake. I tried my best, but it turned out more of a gray color, but the icing was purple and was exactly the way she wanted it. I am no cake decorator, but I tried my best and she loved it. We had a cake and a few gifts at home, and she really enjoyed the low key celebration. She's not big on attention, she clams up and gets very nervous, so having just family and a friend over was perfect for her.
We are not ones to spoil our kids, but I like for them to have one large gift and a few smaller ones to open. She got a princess scooter and fell in love with it, the best part being she doesn't have to share it. She took it out for a test drive and all I could picture was her driving a car in 10 years. If five years has flashed before my eyes, another 10 will go just as quickly. She sure keeps me on my toes, she likes to stay busy and with her, the time seems to just speed past. She has been a great daughter and an amazing teacher. It seems as though the learning process has only just begun, not only for her, but for myself too. Each day brings new things, new struggles and new triumphs. I am just glad she's the one I get to experience them with first, I couldn't imagine things any different.