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This is post 100! I can't believe I've finally made it! This is the perfect post for Laila's first day of Kindergarden. I still find it hard to grip that my baby is growing up. For someone who never wanted kids, my life sure does revolve around them.
I packed my first school lunch yesterday, the first of many, I know. I wrote a note on her napkin and zipped her princess lunchbox with love. When I dropped Laila off at school, I waited with her until line-up, and watched as she went inside. She's so itty bitty, she's the 2nd smallest kid in her class! I was so nervous to leave her, I want more than anything for her to make friends, enjoy learning, and just have a great day. I held my tears until the door shut, then I lost my cool. I cried like a baby. I think I showed up 20 minutes early to pick her up, I could hardly wait to get my baby back home! She really enjoyed herself, and couldn't wait to go back today.
Today was a little easier, as I'm sure each day will be. She still had me walk her in, and wait with her until line-up, and she even turned around at the door to wave goodbye. She tells me she loves me as big as the world and misses me as big as the moon. What a sweet angel I have, I'm so proud to be her mom. This morning went much smoother, since we both had a better idea of what we were supposed to be doing. When I picked her up, she hugged me and told me she couldn't wait to go back again tomorrow! She didn't even make it to the car yet and she was already excited about tomorrow. That makes me so happy for her.
Laila brought home some cute coloring pages and things, but one thing really caught my eye. I read it aloud, and both Dustin and I were in tears after just the first few lines. It was so sweet and sad at the same time, I must have read it 20 times since she handed it to me...and yes, I cry every time. I am so proud, these are the moments I live for. I sure have something special for my life to revolve around.
YAY Ms Laila! She looks SO happy and like she is really enjoying herself! BTW: Congrats on 100 posts! Love ya!