October 30, 2010 at 9:00 am is a 5k walk to support diabetes awareness and research. Please, join us and show your support. Enjoy the warm weather, the company, and the warmth you will feel spreading the word. If you plan to walk with us please register at this site: http://walk.jdrf.org/register.cfm?id=87783592
I will be starting a new team this year, if you decide to walk with me, please let me know your shirt size and who you are walking for!
If you would like to make an online donation to help support the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and help me to reach my personal goal, donate at this site: http://walk.jdrf.org/support.cfm?id=87783592
If you are a diabetic, have one in your family, or just know someone who is, please, make a pledge! We can do this, together!

There are many ways you can donate: time, monetary donations, thoughts, prayers, and spreading the word. And most importantly, get yourself and your family members tested. That's just the beginning, and a step in the right direction. Please, everyone, join me, and take that first step!
Spread the word, spread diabetes awareness!
Thank you!
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