The Smith's

The Smith's

April 06, 2011

My Husband

Normally, I don't just sit and write about my husband and how great he is, but today, I think he deserves it. With the craptastic news we received from the doctor's office this morning about our son, I have been a complete and total wreck. I must have started at least a dozen different chores around the house and not a one is complete. When he gets home tonight, he's going to take care of the kids, tuck them into their beds, pick up after them, and me. He's not going to complain dinner's not on the table waiting, he will offer to go get me something if I'm hungry-even though he's been gone and stressed all day as well, and he might even help with the chores.

When my phone rang this afternoon, I rushed off into our bedroom so I wouldn't be interrupted. I almost instantly broke down in tears, before the doctor even told me his diagnosos, I just knew. As I turned around, expecting to be alone, he was standing there. I didn't even hear him come in, but there he was, my prince, my knight in shining armor. When I think about my friends, my family, and who I turn to when I'm hurting, he is always my number one. Whether I'm excited or scared, happy or sad, he's there for me. No questions asked, he's by my side. If I want to talk, cry, laugh, or just sit in the silence, there's no one else I want to be with but him. He may never know it, but he's my everything.


  1. I am SO glad you have a supportive husband who is there for you! That is PRICELESS Sweetie!

  2. He is such a good guy. He is so growing on me ;o)
    This is so beautiful my dear. Give Dustin a big fat hug for me. He takes care of you because you are a good wife and you take care of him and your beautiful babies. Love you hun <3 xoxoxox
