The Smith's

The Smith's

April 27, 2011

Recovery Day 2

Another big "Thank You!" goes out to everyone who has prayed for our family. Dustin is doing fantastic today, better even than expected. Last night was a little rough on both him and I, he was experiencing some pain and the anesthesia was wearing off, so seeing him cry real tears broke my heart. The nurses have been great, they are with me every step of the way to ensure he's not in any pain, and I get breaks to use the restroom, shower, and eat. He slept most of the night, receiving his last dose of morphine around 3am.
Early this morning the nurse removed Dustin's iv from his left hand, and also his catheter. The blood pressure cuff has also come off, so he's down to half the tubes he started with! We turned him from his stomach to his back this morning and he's been doing well. He has been completely taken off the "Dex"-the medicine provided to keep him sedated and pain-free. Now that he has come around, he's in great spirits! I was able to get him to eat a 2 ounce bottle of pedialyte and a 2 ounce bottle this morning, and since he's kept that down, he hasn't stopped! I believe he's gone through 7 of the 2 ounce bottles of formula the hospital provides for him, and he's been lifted to a 30 degree angle. He has endured his first diaper change and seems to have a positive outlook. He has been drowsy, but coherent enough to recognize me and Dustin, even chanting "da da da da" a few times. Though the morphine is making him itchy, he hasn't tried climbing out of the bed yet. He went close to 9 hours without any morphine, so we will be switching to just Tylenol with codeine when it's time for his next dose.
The doctor just visited and looked him over, the incision site looks wonderful, no leakage or blood, and he's staying pretty still at 30 degrees. Later this afternoon he will be moved to the regular floor, his PICU status has been released! This means he's no longer considered an "intensive care" case. I have been allowed to change his diapers and will be able to order him some baby food later this evening. Tomorrow afternoon we will move him up to 60 degrees, and eventually 90 degrees and into my lap. If all goes as planned, we should be able to take him home with us late tomorrow night! We have been instructed to keep his personal space rather confined, since he'll be in a lot of pain anyway, he shouldn't be roaming the house with the risk of him falling down or the girls bumping him.
Those of you who have been following along, thank you so much for everything. No kind word has gone unnoticed, no prayer unanswered, no thought unappreciated. I may not respond to each and every one of you, but I am getting your texts, calls, and messages. Thank you so much for being with us, near or far, during this difficult time.

1 comment:

  1. See all the prayers do help dont they girl. Love you lots.
