Gratitude Photo Day 14:
Take a real good look at that guy's face! That photo was taken looking up, he was standing on stilts! This dude was stationed down on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles, CA. Dustin, Laila, and I were visiting my brother Mark and spent the day downtown. As you walk by, this creepy tree guy bends down and grabs you, hisses, steps in front of you-you get the idea-and scares the breathe right out of your mouth! It got my brother really good, this picture is the guy hissing.
Gratitude: I'm grateful for moments like this one, that bring a laugh to my heart and a smile to my face. I'm grateful for family in different party of the country, and the ability to visit them and spend time learning more about them, their lives and the things they enjoy.
Freaking but fun!