I have a very, very close friend that blogs almost daily, and at times I think it's almost just for me. I know I joke about it with her if she doesn't that I'm lost, I need her blog, but it's true. I need that constant, the ability to slip away into someone else's life, so similar-yet so different from mine, and feel connected. I know I don't tell her enough how much I appreciate her, her blog, and her friendship.
I had a rough day today, things with Laila and her blood sugars can send a seemingly normal day into a downward spiral faster than I can snap my fingers. Today was one of those days, and I wish there was something I could do to magically make things better. The phone rings, I hear the ringtone, and my stomach lurches, my throat tightens, and my heart beats fast. It's never good. No news is good news, it's only bad news when they call. I posted a little something on Facebook today, I feel like I have to share my feelings or I may just explode, but I try not to let on to too much. It's personal, the things I go through with Laila, and it's not exactly the kind of thing I think everyone should have to read about. I'm not looking for pity, sympathy, or sorrow. What I'm looking for is quite the opposite, what I need is support, strength, and empathy.
Jessica didn't fail me tonight when she posted her blog, as promised. I hope she doesn't mind me copying and pasting it, but these are some of the kindest words I've read in a long time.
"Then I saw a post today about my Joli's little girl. I don't know if I mention it here much but Joli's daughter, Laila, has diabetes (read her blog here). I remember exactly where I was when I read about Laila's diagnosis. I remember being at my parents house and going upstairs to tell my Mom about it and I remembering fighting back my tears so hard! I wanted to just burst into tears for both Joli and Laila (and the rest of their wonderful family). (Yup, and I'm crying now). Today Joli posted how up and down (mainly WAY up) Laila's blood sugar levels were today. I texted her some support and she said "I just feel so helpless!" It was then that I really realized I have NO idea what they deal with on a daily basis. I know what it's like to be a mother and to feel helpless. Jerimiah has a fever or can't breath because of a cold and I feel helpless...but that passes. Any given day Joli and Laila (I shouldn't forget to mention Dustin, Joli's wonderful husband either...but I don't know him as well...he's not left out intentionally) are in a constant struggle. I'm sure they have days or even weeks where it's almost like Laila isn't "sick" and doesn't have Diabetes but when it comes back and bites them I just can't imagine! She is such a strong little girl and she was blessed with such an amazing Mom! (Sorry Joli, I wish I could do more than blog about it).
There you have it. Thankfully I grabbed the tissue when I saw my name, I had a feeling. It's moments like these, no matter how far away she may be, that I know I've got a friend. A true, lasting friendship. Thanks, Jessica, I know I don't say it enough.
You do say it plenty Joli. I meant and mean every word of it! It's nice to have someone who appreciates our friendship as much as I do. Love ya!