The Smith's

The Smith's

January 28, 2012

365 Photos 22-28

This is so much fun! Jessica, I'm glad we decided to do this together! This week, however, has not been the best, but I'm glad I remembered to snap a few photos throughout the chaos!

Kaylee, Kenadi, Laila, and Brooklynne feeding the ducks!
The calm before the storm (aka Kenadi's stitches)

Day after stitches were put in.
What a sad thing to wake up and remember. 

Yummy dessert and a movie!

Stitches day 4.

Kenadi did a 100 piece puzzle all alone,
only to find out the last piece was missing!

Laila, my sweet diabetic.
She was having a rough day hating her diabetes. 
The way we end our week with daddy home-dessert!
Stay tuned, another exciting week is on the rise! Lots of baking, fun, and family time on the way!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm excited too :-) Thanks for guilting me into it. I'm glad you can catch the good moments to remind you of the week. I LOVE those girls. That caption about Laila having a rough day "hating her diabetes" almost made me cry. Give her hugs from me!
