The Smith's

The Smith's

January 01, 2012

Resolutions/To-Do List

I have a hard time thinking that because today is January 1, that new and amazing things are going to happen. I understand, fully, that I am the source behind these changes. So, that being said, here I go with my "To-Do List", resolutions, or whatever you want to call it these days.

  1. Wedding Dress: My dress has been sitting in a container in the garage for 5 years. Yes, literally 5 years. How sad is that? It's time to take care of it, get it cleaned and move along. I saw a pin on Pintrest that recommended taking photos of your daughter-in my case this is plural-in your wedding dress to have for their wedding day. I think that's an adorable idea, I may just have to give it a shot.
  2. Family Vacation: I'm determined to get this family out for a good week or two! Dustin managed to snag 17 consecutive days off of work, there's nothing stopping us! We might not have a ton of funds to travel the country in style, but we will make it work one way or another. 
  3. 365 Photos: I decided to take a photo every day, for an entire year. I haven't made a list of things to take, I want them to be totally unscripted. I plan to carve out blogging time once a week to recap the photos I've taken. This way, I'm not obligated to take photos of anything I don't have or can't find, and I can still make blogging time.
  4. Date: I want to date my husband again. Silly? Hardly. Everyday life seems to get in the way of things when you have a full time job, 3 kids, a dog, and bills to pay. I spend so much of my energy on remembering who doesn't like carrots or who needs clean pants for tomorrow that the little things, the important things, get shoved to the back burner. I think it's well past time to "get to know each other" all over again. I'm looking forward to falling in love with the man I fell for years ago.
  5. Volunteer: I'm undecided whether or not to involve the kids in this one. There are always volunteer opportunities at Laila's school, but most are when Dustin's already working. I am unable to commit to a set schedule, so I'm going to look for sporadic opportunities to lend a hand, donate a dollar, or just be there when needed.
  6. Get In Shape: Let's not fool ourselves, I'm in shape-just not the shape I want to be! I'm a little on the round side, and I'd like to be more thin and lean. For Christmas we bought a Wii, and I plan to "dance my ass off" as literally as possible. My goal is small, only 3 pounds a month, so by June I will hopefully be down 15+pounds. It's a very simple, achievable goal, and at this rate, it should be no problem sticking to it!
  7. Work on my Faith: This is long overdue, sadly, but today is as good a day as any. I've struggled for years to find my faith, keep it, and stand strong behind it. Honestly, I feel like I only pray when someone asks me to, if I'm in a bind, or if the thought happens to pop into my head. I want to show and teach my kids more about God, and learn more myself.
  8. Sweet Eats: This year will bring many new things for my business, and though I'm scared, I'm thrilled! I've been working loosely on a 5 and 10 year plan, and I hope by the time I'm 40 I've got people working for me instead of working for them!
  9. Say Yes: Often times I find myself saying "No!" to my kids instead of saying yes. Why? Because I don't want to deal with the mess, or the trouble, or use the energy on whatever they're asking. They're only going to be this age once, and when they look back on these memories when they're older, I want them to have good ones. So, yes it is!
  10. Craft: I want to learn to do more crafts-whether it be something the kids and I make together, or something I do alone. I want something to hang up and be proud of! I'm so far from artsy it's ridiculous, let's see if I can channel my inner artist.
  11. Cook: I received the Pioneer Woman's Cookbook for Christmas (Thank you, bestie!) and I want to cook my way through the whole thing this year. It doesn't necessarily have to be in order, but there are more than enough recipes in there for me to try!
  12. Read: I wanted to read a book a month last year and I made it about halfway through and hit a block. This year, I'm not setting such a high standard, but I do want to read. I want to read books I enjoy; reading has always been a source of escape for me-just for me-and I want to get back there.
Now, that's 12. Enough resolutions to last me an entire year, one item to start each month. Sounds like a lot, but darn it, I'm feeling ambitious! Bring it on, 2012!

1 comment:

  1. That's a GREAT list! You can make them all and MORE happen this year!
