The Smith's

The Smith's

January 17, 2012

Sweet Dreams

Last night, I went to bed with the intention of finishing the book I'm reading, but couldn't focus. Next to me, the most handsome man was snuggled under the covers watching television. He didn't know I was staring, or if he did, he sure hid it well. I felt as though I couldn't get enough of his gorgeous face, like his beauty had never graced me before.

Sideways glances in his direction left me breathless, I tried to memorize every last detail, from the slant of his nose to the bow of his lips, from his eyelashes that go on for miles to his 5 o'clock shadow I've always found so sexy. I never dreamed I'd be so in love, so smitten, so happy.

I closed my book, kissed my husband goodnight, and cuddled into his arms. The butterflies in my stomach only kept me awake for a few short minutes, I knew I'd be seeing him in my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I love how we love our hubbys so much! I'm gonna go snuggle up to mine now. xoxooxox
