Another easy one, thank goodness! I think this journal jar may just put into perspective the way things really are where I
How do you keep cool in the summer?...
High electric bills |
The summers here are grueling, out of control heat. If there really is a hole in the ozone layer, it's right above Arizona, there's no doubt. The sun here is so hot, the pavement burns your feet as bad as the direct sun burns your skin. Most days, nearly all day, we spend at home in the air conditioning. We may do crafts, snuggle in front of a movie, or play games, but we rarely leave the house. The seat belts burn your skin if you touch them, the steering wheel is so hot even holding it with a towel is too hot, and the heat is so dry it sucks the moisture out of your lungs. So, here in the comfort of my own home, is where we stay.
Splash pad |
Occasionally, we get up early enough to make it to the splash pad. It has to be an early, early morning for this to happen. The sun is so hot so early in the day, even with sunscreen it will burn you to a crisp! In the earlier months of summer (technically, spring) we are able to enjoy some cool water with the kids. They love running through the splash pad, getting completely soaked, and eating some fresh fruit at the picnic tables. It's refreshing, cooling, and makes for a great afternoon.
Bottled water |
Last, but not least by any means, is bottled water. I don't have a water cooler, nor do I want one. I am addicted to the cool, crisp taste of Nestle Pure Life bottled water. If we have bottled water, we're going to be ok. Our electric bill might be outrageous, but we have bottled water! Life will go on! I freeze them into a slush and they are delicious! I go through a case a week, but I just can't help it. I have to stay cool somehow!
WOW! I'm exhausted just looking at the first picture! That's incredible! Amazing woman you are!