"Novels or short stories?"
I love to read, I try to read almost every night. I started reading when I was young, and never seemed to stop. I remember sneaking a flashlight under my pillow to read at night, and even hiding in my closet to be left alone. My favorite thing to read are novels. There's something to be said about slipping away into someone else's life, leaving your own problems behind-even if just for a few minutes each night. To dream someone else's dream, to pretend things are so very different, it's a love of mine.
I prefer to read funny, witty novels. I'm not big into mystery or crime, though I don't pass up a book if it's recommended by a friend. My favorite author is Jodi Picoult, I have read every one of her novels, she's such an amazing writer and the issues she writes about are so controversial I can hardly seem to put her books down. This month, her newest book comes out and I can't wait to get my hands on it!
Funny enough, this year I set 2 "resolutions" for myself. The first, being lose weight, and the second, being to read 25 books this year. So far, I'm on book #4, so I may be just a tad behind schedule, but I'll get there! With all the novels I've picked up at Savers last month, and Jodi Picoult's new book coming out in a few weeks I have plenty to keep me occupied!
You go girl! Reading is something I've always struggled with, my concentration just isn't there for reading!