The Smith's

The Smith's

March 04, 2011

Random Act Of Kindnes

Today, I decided to take the kids to the library, even though the parking lot was overflowing and I was alone. The kids were decent, they picked out a stack of books I could hardly carry, and the check-out line wasn't that long. Once I get to the counter, the woman informs me my card has been suspended, my registration has expired and I had a hefty fine. Apparently Laila had racked up $11.70 in fines on her books we forgot to return, and since she used my card, I had to pay for it today or we wouldn't be able to check out any books. I asked the woman if I could just pay part of it, I only had $5 cash on me, my name isn't in our checks, and they don't accept debit cards. She said I had to pay it down under $6, I was short a whopping 70 cents. She offered to hold them until later, but if I don't have the cash now, I'm not going to have it later. The guy in line behind me, before I had a chance to tell him not to, had already filled out a check to pay his late fee-and mine. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he made it seem like it was nothing. I thanked him multiple times, and had the girls thank him too. I will do my best to pay it forward, maybe not today, or tomorrow, but I won't forget this random act of kindness. Thank you, whoever you are.