Ahh, another "favorite" question from my journal jar today! I adore these, they're quite simple and we all know how much I love simple!
Favorite beverage...
I love dictionary.com, I use it almost daily, and even have the app on my phone! I used it today, in fact, to make sure I answered this question accurately. bev·er·age: [bev-er-ij, bev-rij] –noun–any potable liquid, especially one other than water, as tea, coffee, beer, or milk.
I love water, but since that's not considered a beverage, this is what I chose. I know, you were all expecting to see a big bottle of Coca-Cola, but when it comes down to it, I really, really love iced tea! I love hot tea, but any day, any time, iced tea hits the spot. I prefer green tea over all others, but I love them all-sweet, lemon, raspberry-they're all delicious! When I'm buying tea at the store, or even on the run, the brand I turn to almost always is Arizona, they have the best in my book. The best tea I've ever had at a restaurant, hands down, is at Lucielle's Barbecue, they have amazing sweet tea and even put a mint leaf in the mason jar they serve it in! Delicious!!
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