The Smith's

The Smith's

September 11, 2012

Beginning of my Bucket List

I have been dreaming of my "bucket list" lately-you know, things I want to do before I "kick the bucket"-and I've decided the pressure of just one giant list is too much. Talk about nerves! So I've decided to start a few mini-lists, if you will, broken down into categories. Some things will me way out of my league, some things I've always wanted to do but just never found the time, and some will be things that may possibly push me to my breaking point. What's that saying I always hear? What doesn't kill me makes me stronger? We'll just have to wait and see, now won't we?

Now, we've already determined this is my list, my blog, so I can change it as frequently as I wish. Adding items, dropping others off, and scratching them out once they're accomplished-it's my prerogative. I know this list is short, but I'm still young, and I'm trying to make it manageable-I've got 3 small children, I'm not making a trip to the Taj Mahal anytime in the near future!

FOOD: In this category, I will list the things I want to accomplish in the kitchen-cooking, baking, etc.

Ice Cream
Cranberry sauce

TRAVEL: In this category, I will list the places I want to see and visit.

All 50 states
Another country
Mount Rushmore
Niagra Falls
Hell, Michigan
Washington, D.C.
New York City, New York

ADVENTURE: In this category, I will list the things I want to do with myself, or learn to do one day.

Knit an item
Crochet an item
Promote to Scentsy Director
Take a cruise
Join an orchestra
Drum roll
Play the guitar
Take ballroom dance lessons
Complete a college degree
Swim with dolphins
Ride an mechanical bull
Speak a second language
Play a didgeridoo


  1. I love it! I agree with a lot of those, I really want to go to New York! Lets go!

  2. GO GIRL GO! I love the list! I think they are all attainable! I do have to say though, that although you do have "all 50 states" on your list you do NOT specify "Salt Lake City, Utah" and I know, I know this is YOUR list but I'm going to have to interject and INSIST you add that specific city to your list ;-P

    I can't wait to keep updated. You're amazing Joli and you can and WILL make AMAZING things happen in your life, you already have, and will continue to do so!

  3. I can teach you how to crochet a blanket or a scarf :) xoxoox
