The Smith's

The Smith's

November 30, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 30

Wow, it's hard to believe, but it's finally over! This challenge was pretty amazing, it has opened my eyes to so many things I have taken for granted. I say my prayers every night and thank God for all that I have, but the smallest things often get dismissed, and this has brought them to the front of my mind. I love how I have examined so many little details of myself through this challenge. Thanks for following along, and thank you, Jessica, for sharing this with me!

Photo Challenge Day 30:
Self Portrait

I know this isn't a traditional self portrait, but I think it really defines me. A little hidden, a little mysterious. I am forever trying to fly below the radar, to just simply fit in-whatever that may be. I'm insecure, self conscious, doubtful, scared, and forever second guessing myself. I'm strong, independent, temper-mental, sassy, and witty. On a good day, I'm caring, generous, selfless, loving, and soft. I'm a wife, a mother, an aunt, a godmother, a daughter, and a sister. What really defines me from the rest, I'm not sure I'll ever know for sure, but I'm happy being me. I've found the man of my dreams who loves me for who I am, and I love who I am when I'm with him. 

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the life I'm living. I'm so thrilled to be alive, healthy, and happy. I'm grateful to have the freedom to make the choices in my life that I feel are best, and to have such an amazing husband and family to support me along the way. I'm grateful for this challenge, how it's opened my eyes to see things in a new light, to appreciate the little things in life, and to see the inner beauty of so many things I've seemingly looked past before.

November 29, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 29

Tomorrow is the final day of our challenge! This month has passed by so quickly, and this challenge has been fun!

Gratitude Photo Day 29:

That's my first Scentsy warmer, the cupcake! I love it to pieces, I rarely turn it off! It was a gift, and the beginning of my love of wickless candles! The wax comes in over 80 scents, so there is always something amazing smelling up my kitchen, even when I'm not baking!

Gratitude: I'm grateful for this little light, and all that it offers my kitchen! I love that it's one of those "little extras" I can afford to keep around, and I'm grateful it's just for me.

Gratitude Photo Day 28

I can't believe it's almost the end of this challenge! I hope my readers (ha!) have enjoyed this challenge as much as I have!

Gratitude Photo Day 28:

This is a picture of my living room, in the dark. Do you see anyone there? No? Me either. And that's just how I like it! I don't get a lot of "me" time, I always wake up early and my days always end late, but every night, around 8pm, my house looks like this. Once the kids are sound asleep and Dustin's still working, I turn all the lights off, grab my snuggie, and pick up a book or flip on the tv. I devour the minutes alone, in the peace and quiet.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the nighttime, and the quiet peaceful feeling in my home. I'm so happy my children have a warm place to sleep, and I have a cozy couch to snuggle up on all alone. I need time to reflect on my day, plan for tomorrow, and enjoy the life I have around me.

November 28, 2011

The Kindest Words

I have a very, very close friend that blogs almost daily, and at times I think it's almost just for me. I know I joke about it with her if she doesn't that I'm lost, I need her blog, but it's true. I need that constant, the ability to slip away into someone else's life, so similar-yet so different from mine, and feel connected. I know I don't tell her enough how much I appreciate her, her blog, and her friendship. 

I had a rough day today, things with Laila and her blood sugars can send a seemingly normal day into a downward spiral faster than I can snap my fingers. Today was one of those days, and I wish there was something I could do to magically make things better. The phone rings, I hear the ringtone, and my stomach lurches, my throat tightens, and my heart beats fast. It's never good. No news is good news, it's only bad news when they call. I posted a little something on Facebook today, I feel like I have to share my feelings or I may just explode, but I try not to let on to too much. It's personal, the things I go through with Laila, and it's not exactly the kind of thing I think everyone should have to read about. I'm not looking for pity, sympathy, or sorrow. What I'm looking for is quite the opposite, what I need is support, strength, and empathy. 

Jessica didn't fail me tonight when she posted her blog, as promised. I hope she doesn't mind me copying and pasting it, but these are some of the kindest words I've read in a long time.

"Then I saw a post today about my Joli's little girl.  I don't know if I mention it here much but Joli's daughter, Laila, has diabetes (read her blog here).  I remember exactly where I was when I read about Laila's diagnosis.  I remember being at my parents house and going upstairs to tell my Mom about it and I remembering fighting back my tears so hard!  I wanted to just burst into tears for both Joli and Laila (and the rest of their wonderful family).  (Yup, and I'm crying now).  Today Joli posted how up and down (mainly WAY up) Laila's blood sugar levels were today.  I texted her some support and she said "I just feel so helpless!"  It was then that I really realized I have NO idea what they deal with on a daily basis.  I know what it's like to be a mother and to feel helpless.  Jerimiah has a fever or can't breath because of a cold and I feel helpless...but that passes.  Any given day Joli and Laila (I shouldn't forget to mention Dustin, Joli's wonderful husband either...but I don't know him as well...he's not left out intentionally) are in a constant struggle.  I'm sure they have days or even weeks where it's almost like Laila isn't "sick" and doesn't have Diabetes but when it comes back and bites them I just can't imagine!  She is such a strong little girl and she was blessed with such an amazing Mom!  (Sorry Joli, I wish I could do more than blog about it).

There you have it. Thankfully I grabbed the tissue when I saw my name, I had a feeling. It's moments like these, no matter how far away she may be, that I know I've got a friend. A true, lasting friendship. Thanks, Jessica, I know I don't say it enough.

Gratitude Photo Day 24, 25, 26, & 27

Ok, ok, I fell really far behind and I apologize. I'm going to catch up and hopefully finish this challenge out on time! I'm still unsure what to photograph for some of these, but I'll give it a go!

Gratitude Photo Day 24:

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to covering the word "gratitude", I don't think there's a single photo that can capture all the things I'm grateful for, but these beautiful babies are a great place to start.

Gratitude: Gratitude means to be thankful for something, and to show what I'm thankful for isn't easy! I am so incredibly blessed, I have beautiful children, an amazing husband, a house we've turned into a home, and everything in between. I'm able to provide food, clothing, and the little "extras" for my family that, to some, are not even an option. I'm grateful for so many things, words can't express them all. Most of all, I'm grateful for the simple fact that I have too many thing to be grateful for.

Gratitude Photo Day 25:

This is a sample of the artwork I have hanging in my home made my Laila. I proudly hang these pictures in my kitchen, and can't wait for the day when Kenadi and Dustin Jr. are old enough to create masterpieces to fill more frames throughout my house!

Gratitude: I'm grateful for my children, the love and joy they bring really makes this house a home. I'm happy to be able to display their artwork in my home, I'm happy they're proud of the work they do.

Gratitude Photo Day 26:

This is my minivan, my most recent birthday present, and pretty spectacular. This is not what I imagined I'd be driving at 27 years old, but it's really not that bad! Fully equipped and safe, it can carry my family from point a to point be in style!

Gratitude: I'm grateful for such a safe and reliable vehicle, and for the ability to afford it. I wouldn't have the life I do without my amazing husband who works so hard for us.

Gratitude Photo Day 27:
Daily Routine:

This isn't what any mother wants for their child, but this is all part of our daily norm. Laila has since switched to an insulin pump, but almost all the other supplies remain the same. Blood sugar checks 8 times a day, it almost seems endless. Some days it runs our lives, but most of the time, we run the show. You can never predict what Laila's sugar levels will be, but you can be prepared for them. 

Gratitude: I'm forever grateful for such a strong, independent little girl. Laila controls her life, and her diabetes. She smiles through the pain, laughs through the tears, and still manages to encourage me throughout the way. I'm grateful for the ability to supply her with the help she needs, to live so close to an amazing hospital, and to have a great support system. I'm grateful she's mine, and that God decided this is the life we need to live. 

November 24, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 23

I did this one wrong, by accident, and I'm not fixing it! I'm tired, hungry, and not having a good day.

Gratitude Photo Day 23:
In Your Closet

This was supposed to be in my closet, but I guess I read it wrong and I took a photo in my girls closet. Either way, it looks about the same!

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the clothes hanging there each day to choose from, the shoes to cover their tiny feet, the closet to store those clothes, and the house we live in. All of these things, though seemingly small, are a big deal to me. I'm proud of the home we share, the clothes we wear, and the life we live. Even if there's someone out there with "better" clothes, a "bigger" house, or a "more glamorous" life, this is mine, and no one can take it away from me.

Gratitude Photo Day 22

This one seems easy enough!

Gratitude Photo Day 22:

My washer is full, my dryer is full, and everyone's hamper is usually full, too. Does it make me stressed? Of course. But it also makes me feel satisfied. Happy. Proud even. Yes, I love laundry.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the clothing I can provide for my kids. A warm coat during winter, a bathing suit to splash around in during summer, and everything in between. I know this is an essential many go without, and I'm grateful my family doesn't have to.

November 21, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 21

This one couldn't be any easier, and thank goodness, because I've had a rough day.

Gratitude Photo Day 21:
Where you sleep

This is my bed, I took this photo from the doorway to my bathroom. The doorway you see in the photo leads to my living room. Exciting stuff, I know. This bed is pretty special though, it's one of the first pieces of furniture we actually purchased outright as a married couple! It's from Ikea, and what you can't see in the picture is the matching night stand and dresser!

Gratitude: I'm grateful for a warm, soft bed in a clean, safe home. There were times in my life I wasn't sure I had either of those things on a constant basis, and I do my best to not take them for granted. 

November 20, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 20

I can't believe I'm already on day 20 of this Gratitude Photo Challenge! Some days are harder than others, no doubt, but I try my best to keep it light and fun. That being said, I hope you enjoy today's selection.

Gratitude Photo Day 20:

That's the inside of the very first turkey I ever made! I know, it's nasty, but I was very proud! This was Thanksgiving 2007, the first time I ever made a full meal, and I managed to pull it off alone!

Gratitude: I'm grateful for everything I've learned and accomplished over the years as a mother and a wife. I love recipes and trying new things, each year the family traditions will continue, and I hope to pass them along to my children as well. I'm grateful for my little family, and the chance to spend the holidays with them.

November 19, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 19

Another seemingly simple, yer difficult photo today. It seems as though I'll never learn,.

Gratitude Photo Day 19:
Best Friend

I like to think that I don't have just one "best friend", but a handful of very best friends that I can count on for different things whenever the time calls for them. Every time I have a problem or a worry, Dustin's the one I want to share it with. When I'm happy, smiling, excited or laughing, I want to share that with him too. Better or worse, happy or sad, I want him by my side. I think it's only fitting I chose to marry my very best friend. 

Gratitude: I am grateful, eternally, for Dustin. He's the most hard working, understanding, compassionate, romantic, handsome, loving, strong man I've ever met. I can't imagine a moment going by without him in my life. 

Gratitude Photo Day 17 & 18

So I fell a little behind, no surprise there. I am always behind on life, as I like to say. I spend way more time making memories than I do posting them on here for everyone to see, please forgive me. Day 17 has me particularly tripped up, it's far from simple.

Gratitude Photo Day 17:

I know this in't a photo I've taken, but I think this is well deserved. I can't choose just one memory, and I can't make a collage of memories, it would be too hard to choose. I think this quote explains, though, that we often use photos to help aide in the memories we make. Our minds can't capture each and every detail, and photographs can't capture sound. The two together, a perfect match.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the ability to photograph so many things, so many memories, so one day I will be able to call on them again. I am grateful for the people in my life I choose to make memories with, and the chance to save them.

Gratitude Photo Day 18:
Something New

I picked those crafts up today while I was at Target, they're so new they're still in the packaging! I have high hopes of making them with the girls, or at least Laila, and hanging them on the tree when the time comes. 

Gratitude: I'm grateful for my husband, the time he works and the things he's able to provide us with. His amazing work ethic inspires me to do a better job, too. I do my very best to stretch the money he brings home as far as possible, and to be able to purchase little extras such as this! I'm also grateful for the time I'm able to spend at home raising my children, doing crafts, cooking, baking, ans loving them to bits!

November 18, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 16

Just an FYI, this is going to be inappropriate.

Gratitude Photo Day 16:

Check out that 5th leg! I hope you got a laugh out of it, as inappropriate as it may seem, it's still pretty funny. This was taken at the Phoenix Zoo, one place I love to visit.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for my sense of humor, and for the amazing Earth with all of its loving creatures. I love the zoo and being able to see all the animals in one place, contained, and safe.

November 15, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 15

This one was pretty easy, and I like easy.

Gratitude Photo Day 15:

I'm fully aware this is a fake phone, but man, kids start young these days! He talks on it, calls people, I swear he even tries texting! Technology is just taking off, it's amazing to think how far things have come in the past 10 years!

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the ability to keep in touch with friends and family with just the push of a button! My computer, phone, camera, it's all become such a part of my life I wonder how I'd manage without. I'm grateful for the ability to capture these memories and share them with others.

November 14, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 14

This photo may not look like a lot of movement is going on, but trust me, there really is. It's one of those "had to be there" moments, but awesome none the less.

Gratitude Photo Day 14:

Take a real good look at that guy's face! That photo was taken looking up, he was standing on stilts! This dude was stationed down on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles, CA. Dustin, Laila, and I were visiting my brother Mark and spent the day downtown. As you walk by, this creepy tree guy bends down and grabs you, hisses, steps in front of you-you get the idea-and scares the breathe right out of your mouth! It got my brother really good, this picture is the guy hissing. 

Gratitude: I'm grateful for moments like this one, that bring a laugh to my heart and a smile to my face. I'm grateful for family in different party of the country, and the ability to visit them and spend time learning more about them, their lives and the things they enjoy. 

November 13, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 13

Today was-you guessed it!-another difficult photo. I never know what to take the photo of, it just seems as though it's not "just right" no matter what I pick. Moving along, here comes lucky day number 13.

Gratitude Photo Day 13:
Written Word

There's something to be said about a letter, card, even a post-it someone took the time to write to you. Actually write it. I've been very fortunate to have family and friends who realize just how much a simple card or letter in the mail really mean to me, and this is a fine example. I have many more, I have kept them and cherished them close to my heart. I chose this particular one because it made me laugh, smile, and feel good inside-and it wasn't too personal that I was able to share without sharing my personal thoughts and feelings.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the written word-the joy that fills my heart is indescribable, the feeling of knowing someone took time out for me, it's pretty amazing. I'm grateful for those of you who read my written word, and who share yours with me. 

Gratitude Photo Day 12

I thought this challenge would be fairly easy, based on the requirements I thought I'd have no problem. Now, here I am on day 12, struggling yet again to find the perfect picture.

Gratitude Photo Day 12:

My dad and my children. This doesn't need further explanation, but it does bring tears to my eyes. I love this photo.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the ability to capture moments like this one. This photo will last a lifetime, and my children will cherish it for years to come. I'm grateful for my dad, my children, my family. The memories we make and share are irreplaceable.

November 11, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 10 & 11

It just so happens yesterday was a bit busy for me, which means I didn't get to do my gratitude photo. I'll make it up today, I promise!

Gratitude Photo Day 10:

I'm so homesick, it's unreal. I miss the snow, the green, the trees and birds. This photo was taken the last time I was "home", in Michigan. The year? 2009. I love looking at photos from home, the 4 seasons are gorgeous. 

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the beautiful Earth, and what it provides for us. I'm glad we're able to experience the warmth of the sun, see the starts at night, and everything in God has to offer us.

Gratitude Photo Day 11:
Something Old

I know this is "someone" and not a "something", but I think this is an amazing picture. My dad, though he is old, is young at heart. He encompasses knowledge and wisdom I call upon daily. He is generous, kind, loving, funny, and everything in between. In just a few words, he's my hero.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for such an amazing man to call my father. I'm proud to be his daughter, and I'm glad my children have the opportunity to know and love their Pa-Pa.

November 09, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 9

It has literally taken me all day to come back to this same answer to the question I have been avoiding. Who inspires me, and why? There are so many inspirational people in this world, but my heart keeps pulling me here:

Gratitude Photo Day 9:
Inspiring Person

This little girl encompasses the word "inspiring". At just 6 years old, she has conquered fears no child should ever have to. She faces challenges with a smile, her laugh can cure your worst mood, and her courage is unreal. She's vibrant, funny, strong, and humble. I could go on for hours, and there still wouldn't be enough words. I look at her, and I've never been more proud. One day, when I grow up, I hope to be have the soul she is. 

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the lessons Laila has taught me about life, love, and peace. I'm proud to be her mom and grateful for the life we share together.

November 08, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 8

This one was rather simple, and we all know how much I like simple!

Gratitude Photo Day 8:
Favorite Color:

I always find it hard to pick just 1 of something: favorite food, favorite color, favorite smell, whatever. This was as close as I could get to finding my favorite, take it as you wish. This was intended to be a Halloween decoration, but it seems as though it's here to stay. The color is a little off, it's a bright fuchsia/magenta pink color with black cutouts, and -wait for it- sparkles! There you have it folks!

Gratitude: I'm grateful for my eyesight, my health, my freedom to have opinions, and for that sparkly skull that holds my sweet pea hand soap. 

November 07, 2011

Gratitude Photo Day 7

Everyone has their own interpretation of what's "funny". A sense of humor can make or break a relationship, it can quickly bond two people as friends, or create an instant distaste for someone. This challenge, to me, is about taking photos and explaining what it is I'm grateful for at the end, so I played it safe, and took a picture of my silly son. Besides, baby humor is always a winner with a big crowd. 

Gratitude Photo Day 7:

Where's the baby? There he is! I was doing laundry today and left my hamper out in the living room between loads, and this is what I found! My little man is a ham, there's no doubt! One of his favorite games is this, he will hid under anything he can and laugh before he's even found. I will stop at nothing to hear him laugh, and to see his big ole toofers when he smiles like this!

Gratitude: I'm grateful to be able to stay home with my children, to soak up every second I can with them, before it's gone. I'm grateful for the time we spend together, the house we live in, and the things that surround us. 

November 06, 2011

New Challenge-Again!

After finding a new challenge about gratitude, Jessica and I decided this would be a better challenge for November. Being able to express ourselves through photos is always a joy, and adding gratitude to each photo gives that warm fuzzy feeling we know you love. I hope you enjoy, I've got 6 days to cram into this one post! Let's GIT 'ER DONE!

Gratitude Photo Day 1:
Favorite Food
This doesn't last long in my house-note the large container size-and I wish I could blame the kids. I'm an addict. It's like the cure-all medicine in this expensive little jar! It helps with my cramps, bad moods, snack get the gist here. My favorite food-Nutella. 

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the little "extras" in life. Though it's way out of my budget, it's something my husband encourages me to splurge and treat myself to something I really enjoy. Come to think of it, I'm pretty darn grateful for him, too.

Gratitude Photo Day 2:

Each of my children are different, a light during the dark times of my life, and for different reasons. They all have their own personalities, things about them I love, and things that make my life worth living. This smile, my sweet Kenadi, is where it's at. Her laugh is contagious, her smile so bright, she's my Boo Boo.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for three beautiful, healthy, fun, spunky, amazing children. They mean more to me than they'll ever know, and to have a lifetime to express to them how much I love them-priceless.

Gratitude Photo Day 3:

The stigma that goes along with being a diabetic is clear: "No sugar!" That's entirely untrue, but unfortunately for my kids, that just so happens to be my rule! I rarely let them have candy or real juice, so when they are allowed, it's a blissful moment, even more so for Laila. Candy isn't always clearly labeled with nutrition information, so letting her have it, even with her pump, isn't always easy. Here she is, enjoying some skittles to bring up a low blood sugar.

Gratitude: Happiness is the unexpected treat, the moment when you feel like the only one that matters, it's your dreams coming true. I'm grateful for those moments when I can treat Laila with the unexpected, make her feel like the apple of my eye, and make her feel like she's like everyone else, even if it's just for a few magical moments.

Gratitude Photo Day 4:

I live in the desert, that's a fact. What's also a fact is this-the only green things you ever see are cactus and palm trees. Neither are festive for the holidays, neither provide quality shade, or offer any pleasant fragrance. Just outside my door is some sort of flower tree, it's bountiful and pretty! It smells nice during the summer, and the leaves are green! It's one of those things you take for granted, green leaves. I haven't seen the season "fall" in years, so this is as good as it gets for me.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the time I've spent enjoying the "fall", and the new appreciation I have for the greenness here in the desert. 

Gratitude Photo Day 5:
Morning Sky

Saint Joseph, MI will always be home to me. This picture captures the amazing sunrise over the pier and water. This is the location Dustin and I first confessed our love to each other, and also where we got engaged to be married. This place holds a special spot in my heart for many reasons. The sunrise is so gorgeous, it's another one of those beauties we fail to recognize as amazing.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for the start of each new day that the Lord has made for us. I'm grateful for the sun, and all it provides for us, and I'm thankful for the beauty of the Earth the sun shines on.

Gratitude Photo Day 6:

Abundant, overflowing, and still growing-the girls' book collection is nothing short of massive! They agreed to only fill the 2 shelves of this book case and let me put the rest of their books in Lil D's room, but they overstuffed the book case until it broke! I guess it's time to expand to a larger bookcase.

Gratitude: I'm grateful for my children and their desire to learn and grow. There is always a desire to read a book, to learn something new, explore a new fantasy. I'm so proud of them, and grateful they're mine. 

I think that catches me up to date with the new photo challenge, sorry about any confusion! I'll start with day 7 tomorrow and continue to post daily as we progress throughout the month! Thanks for reading!

November 03, 2011

Day #3

I'll never understand why these challenges have to be so hard. Maybe that's why they call them challenges! Ha. Today's was particularly difficult, my heart was torn in so many directions when trying to choose what to take as today's photo, so I decided to think outside the box a bit. I hope you enjoy.

A photo of your favorite place to be:

I considered saying something cheesy like, "Wherever he is, is my favorite place to be", but that's not exactly true. I don't want to join him in the toilet, at work, or someplace lame like the dmv-though I'm sure we would make the best of it, we always do. I decided to focus on exactly where I love to be, and that's in his arms. No matter what state we're in, no matter how bad I feel, or chaotic things can get, that's a constant in my life I know I can depend on. His embrace is like no other, my life is completed by the feeling of safety he offers, and his love radiates through my veins. Yes folks, this is it, this is the place I love to be.

November 02, 2011

Day #2

Today is day 2 of the new photo challenge, let's hope I'm able to find the time and energy to keep this one up. They're really fun, if you've never tried one, I suggest you do. It makes you look at things from a different perspective, since everything can be interpreted to your liking, beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder.

A picture of what you wore today:

Today, I decided on some of my favorite baking clothes, jeans and a tank top. No baking outfit is complete without an apron! This is one of three that I own, and  even covered in flour, proving I was, indeed, baking when I stopped to snap a quick photo. No makeup, no socks or shoes-just how I like it. There you have it folks, what I wore today. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post!

November 01, 2011

New Photo Challenge

I've decided to embark on a new photo challenge with my amazing friend Jessica! She found one for us that, instead of searching for photos online, requires us to take a photo each day! It looks pretty amazing, and I'm excited to start it today. I considered posting the list for you to preview, but I think each day should be a surprise. Today is day one, and without further ado, here we go!

A photo of yourself:

That's me, as fresh and real as you'll ever see me. This was taken just after 8am today, and boy was I a hot mess! I can't remember, honestly, the last time I brushed my hair. I think there are some remnants of last night's makeup still on my face that I was too tired to wash off, and I'm wearing a sweatshirt I bought before Laila was born! Take it or leave it, 99% of the time this is what you're gonna get.