The Smith's

The Smith's

November 03, 2011

Day #3

I'll never understand why these challenges have to be so hard. Maybe that's why they call them challenges! Ha. Today's was particularly difficult, my heart was torn in so many directions when trying to choose what to take as today's photo, so I decided to think outside the box a bit. I hope you enjoy.

A photo of your favorite place to be:

I considered saying something cheesy like, "Wherever he is, is my favorite place to be", but that's not exactly true. I don't want to join him in the toilet, at work, or someplace lame like the dmv-though I'm sure we would make the best of it, we always do. I decided to focus on exactly where I love to be, and that's in his arms. No matter what state we're in, no matter how bad I feel, or chaotic things can get, that's a constant in my life I know I can depend on. His embrace is like no other, my life is completed by the feeling of safety he offers, and his love radiates through my veins. Yes folks, this is it, this is the place I love to be.

1 comment:

  1. That's AWESOME Joli! I LOVE IT! Funny story, I was gonna do basically the same thing, snuggled on the couch with Jerimiah (only it happened to be an overnight and he wasn't home and I needed to be somewhere else so it worked out perfectly.

    LOVE IT GIRL! We're rockin it!
