The Smith's

The Smith's

December 25, 2011

Christmas Day!

Christmas day has come, and almost gone already. It seems like the days are just flying by before my eyes! We had a great Christmas today, Dustin was able to be home in the morning to open gifts and my dad stayed to spend Christmas with us. The kids made out like bandits, as usual, only they were so fast opening their gifts I didn't get a single picture! Before I even got my camera turned on and ready there was a flurry of wrapping paper and they were gone away with their presents!

This time of year is always hard for me, today seeming unusually difficult. Dustin had to go into work this afternoon for an 8 hour shift, which means 10 hours away from home including drive time. The kids were bummed that he had to leave, and things with my dad and I haven't been exceptionally well lately. It seems as though the older we both get, the more we butt heads. It's not just the big things either, but the small little details. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but it saddens me.

Christmas time always marks the end of the year for me, even though there are still a few days left. I know new things are coming soon, and it makes me anxious! We have major plans for the new year, I'm just hoping everything goes smoothly and no major road blocks pop up. Today is one of those days I really appreciate my husband. I'm sure I don't tell him enough, but just the every day necessities he provides are more than enough of a Christmas present-the rest is just icing on the cake! The kids and I had such an amazing Christmas, all because of the hard work and long hours he puts in. He provides us a home to live in, food to eat, clothes to wear, and everything else we need. Days like today, I'm worried he'll be pushed to the back burner, his gifts just aren't good enough because honestly, what's good enough for the one who gives and loves unconditionally?

I hope the rest of this year flies by, January is supposed to be amazing for "Sweet Eats", I can hardly stand the anticipation! Also, keep a look out for new things around here. I'm going to try a 365 day photo challenge, a personal challenge, just one photo a day. I plan to upload and blog once a week and do a little recap of how things are going around here. I think it's time for bigger and better things. Goodnight, sleep tight, and Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Joli, you're so wonderful! I'm glad you at least got a little time with hubby today, sad that there are some people that just have to work on Christmas. I hope things get back to OK with your Dad, it's hard to get older and develop differences with family, especially parents. You're amazing, I hope 2012 is WONDERFUL for Sweet Eats!

    Merry Christmas!
