The Smith's

The Smith's

August 09, 2010

What happened?

This morning, bright and early just after 6am, I woke up to feed my son. My son. Those words still sound foreign to me, but so natural at the same time. I look into his little eyes, I stare at his adorably tiny face, and I know deep down this was meant to be.

It's nearly 8am, I'm on my second cup of coffee and here we sit, my son and I, just staring at each other, trying to figure out who we are. What happened to the days when I could sleep till noon? Those are long past me, even hard to remember at times. I am far from a morning person, but lately, these mornings have gotten easier to handle, especially when you have a sweet face to wake up to.

Last night I was in bed before 11pm, and asleep shortly after. What happened to the nights I could be up until 4am, and still function without even a cup of coffee in the morning? Those days are a distant memory, now I cherish every minute I can spend with my eyes closed. I look forward to the possiblity of a nap in the afternoon with any of my kids, and spending the night in bed with my husband.

I spend my afternoons planning playdates and folding laundry, doing dishes and watching The Backyardigans, and I have not a care in the world. What happened to the days of shopping and spending time partying with my friends? Did they ever really exist? The things that make me happy are so different now, it causes me to wonder.

I have traded my flat iron and makeup for baby lotion and stretch marks. I have traded my 4 door compact car for an SUV, my expensive shampoos for whatever is on sale. I clip coupons and balance a checkbook. What happened to the dreams I once had?

They finally came true.

1 comment:

  1. You are phenomenal. And you made me cry. But it's good tears. I truly hope what you believe what you have been posting...b/c it's good stuff...the kinda good stuff that life is made of. I love you! You're amazing!
