The Smith's

The Smith's

January 09, 2010

Catching Up

I can't believe how far behind in blogging I've gotten. I swear, I used to have so much time I was sure I'd fill with blogging, now I seem to never have the time to blog! Let me just re-cap for everyone where we are in our lives now, and try and to do better from here on out.

One of my resolutions this year is to do better in keeping in touch with family, friends, and to make sure I have pictures taken on a regular basis for the girls. These are the moments I live for, and I will do everything in my power to never forget them.

Dustin: Tempe has now switched to a new schedule, 3-12 hour days, and 1-8 hour day every other week. Lucky Dustin, he now has to work 6pm-6am Thursday-Saturday, and every other Sunday night from 6pm-2am. I am still up in the air about how I feel about this new schedule, the benefit of having him home more nights during the week is closely outweighing barely seeing him for 3 days. We'll see how it goes, this is the first week and it's an adjustment for all of us.

He seems to be doing extremely well at Tempe. The stories he comes home with every morning never cease to amaze me. The vacation time he's banking will come in handy when the baby is born, the benefits are amazing for our family, and I am able to stay home and raise our girls. We are truly blessed he has this job.

Joli: And the good news is...I am pregnant with baby number three! We have been talking about it, throwing the idea back and forth, and just lef it up in the air. My next doctor's appointment is January 18, and we will finally be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time! How amazing! We have already picked out names for the baby, so we are anxious to find out if I'm having another girl, or breaking the mold and finally having a boy.

I am having a blast working with my mom's group here in Maricopa, the moms and kids are wonderful and really keep me busy. There are lots of fun things in store for us this year, we plan to make it a good one!

Laila: Preschool is back in swing and I think we're all glad! Laila needs the time to interact with her friends, Kenadi needs a quiet nap, and I need the time away from her. As much as we love each other, I believe some days I have created a monster! She is the most strong willed, independent 4 year old I think I've ever met.

She's so smart-learning to read, write, and just blows me away with what she's learning! Soon she will be "graduating" with a cap and gown (yes, from preschool!) and I will cry, thinking my baby is gone forever. I'm glad she's the one to set the standard, it's a high bar she's setting, but she's doing it gracefully.

Kenadi: Talk about growing like a weed! This little girl never stops! I think she may finally be starting to talk, which is great, because I'm so tired of hearing "ahh yaaa" and having her point at everything. She's saying what I think are words for "juice", "up", "please", "all done" and occasionally "thank you". =) At least she's polite!

She's now wearing 24 month clothes, and is not even 18 months old yet! She's making lots of friends and enjoying the play groups we have during the week. I'm hoping she makes as good of a big sister to the new baby as Laila is to her.

I hope everyone is doing well and starting the new year off with a bang! We are taking things one day at a time, and doing our best to make it look easy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a pint of Dove chocolate ice cream calling my name from the freezer...♥

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