The Smith's

The Smith's

October 09, 2011

Double Journal Jar Post!

Today has been far from a good day- Dustin's working long hours, the kids are far from behaving, and I'm plum exhausted. It's time for me to start writing again, even if it's only a silly journal jar response. Writing cleanses my mind, eases my body, and soothes my soul. So, that being said, here goes nothing...

3 places I've lived...

1. Saint Joseph, MI

The memories this city hold for me are much more than a simple blog post can express. This is where I was born, where my mother and father raised me, where my childhood home overflowed with laughter and sorrow, and this is the place I will always call home. St. Joe, as we called it, is where my life was established. There were days after my mom died that I thought I couldn't go on, and days after I met Dustin that I couldn't wait to experience. My first child was born in this city, one I couldn't wait to escape, and one I now wish I never left behind.

2. Las Vegas, NV

What happens in Vegas stays in Vega, but the 400-pound woman perched in front of a slot machine, oozing bum-flesh off her stool as she balanced a cocktail and cigarette in one hand and robotically tugged the slot arm with the other... that's still with me. (thanks, BRIAN SACK, Banterist, Jun. 15, 2006) With big dreams, we trekked across the country to find bigger and better things. Aside from this, we found bigger electricity bills, and more places to spend the money we didn't have. It was a stepping stone to bigger and better things, and for that, I'll be forever thankful.

3. Maricopa, AZ

I never dreamed I'd end up in Arizona, let alone a city the size of the one I grew up in. I wanted more than anything to live the big city life, and here I am back to my roots in a city the same size, just 2,000 miles away from home. This is the place my kids will call home, where my family photos will be taken, where we bought our first house and turned it into a home. There are photos on the walls, stains on the carpets, and memories made daily. Maricopa is where we spend our holidays, where we laugh together during the good times, and hold each other through the times that seem to be rough. My kitchen is where I teach my daughters to cook, just like my mom taught me, my living room is where I have changed hundreds of diapers, and my back yard is where we planted our first garden. I can't say I like it here, but it's starting to grow on me. It seems like we may just be here a while.

3 jobs I've had...

1. Hostess- Applebee's
This was my second job, and not at all my favorite. Though I had plenty of fun working at Applebee's, I'm glad I'll never be doing that again! I laughed a lot, met a lot of cool people, and made little money, but there was something about this job that will always stick with me. I think Applebee's was one of the most liberating of all the places I've been employed; I wasn't a manager, or really anything more than a hostess, but I had power. Believe it or not, I had power. You rubbed me the wrong way, I sat your ass with tables I knew wouldn't tip well, people that were interested in chatting rather than eating, and people with kids that fully intended on making a big, nasty mess. I may have been lowest on the totem pole, but without me, nobody was going anywhere.

2. Store Associate- Old Navy
This job was a huge step for me; Old Navy was the first job I accepted after Laila was born. The discount at this job was a lifesaver, without it, I think my entire paycheck would have gone right back into that store! I can't say I made lifelong friendships there, in fact, I don't think anyone really liked me, but I did have fun. I still have no fashion sense, I hate shopping, but for the most part, I was left alone. I joined the logistics team not long after I started working there, and realized I really enjoyed working the shipment. It may not be anything I ever do again, but it was fun while it lasted.

3. Homemaker-The Smith Residence

Homemaker: [hohm-mey-ker] noun: a person who manages the household of his or her own family, especially as a principal occupation.Well, that about sums it up, now doesn't it? I am a mother, a wife, a pet owner, and much, much more. I have three beautiful children-two girls and a boy-, a sweet puppy I never wanted, and the most amazing, understand, compassionate husband God has ever created. Trust me, there are plenty of days where I feel like the walls are caving in, the laundry piles grow faster than I can wash them, the food doesn't cook itself, and despite my prayers, the trash hasn't grown legs and walked itself outside yet. The days where I struggle to make ends meet are tough, but there's nothing, and I repeat: nothing like the rewarding hugs, kisses, and "I love you's" I receive at the end of each day. Waking up in my own home, in my own bed, next to my husband each morning is more then I think I deserve at times. Teaching my children right from wrong, hearing them laugh and play, and being a stable, consistent part of their lives is better then I ever expected. "In your wildest dreams you can never imagine the marvelous surprises that await you!" Thanks, Willy Wonka, for another memorable quote, I couldn't have said it better myself.

1 comment:

  1. You truly have a gift for writing! Seriously, I can see why it's therapeutic for you. Your words just roll right off the screen!

    You're a wonderful person Joli and I hope these journal posts help you feel freeded a little bit. One day you or your children will look back at these with pure joy. LOVE YOU! Hang in there and always keep writing!
