The Smith's

The Smith's

February 04, 2012

365 Photos 29-35

I really need to start jotting ideas down for blogs. Many times this week I wanted to start one, but got too busy, and now can't remember for the life of me what they were about! Here is another week in review!

Me being a "yes" mom and letting Laila be crafty!

On Monday, Laila took 2 items from the treasure box
at school. This was her penance. She had to
return the item and hand the note to her teacher.

My little baker! "Sweet Eats Jr.!"

First lost tooth!

Sweet lovins! Playdate at Tempe Beach Park after
Laila's endocrinology appointment.

How many chocolate chips are in this cup?

Valentine's Day Event at Xpressions Center for the Arts!
Another wonderful (well, almost) week! See you again next Saturday!


  1. LOVE IT! I especially love the "Sweet Eats Jr." :-)

    I love the note Laila wrote and hope she learns something, you're such a great Mom! GREAT WEEK!

  2. BTW: I meant to tell you. I usually keep a memo on my phone for blogging notes. Like when I'm at my parents house for the weekend and I don't blog, I keep a running "bullet list" of the things I don't want to forget to blog about so when I do sit down to blog I remember what I was gonna say...just a thought for ya :)
