The Smith's

The Smith's

November 10, 2010


My poor Kenadi was sick last night, vomiting, the runs, a fever-the works. She kept us up nearly all night, I recall checking the clock around 5:30am and just sighing, thinking I would never make it through the entire day to come with just mere minutes of sleep. 7:00am rolled around, time to get Laila up for school, and my husband took care of it for me. It was a simple gesture, but huge for me. I may have only fell back asleep for a half hour maximum, but I felt like I could tackle the world when I did finally get out of bed for the day.

Unfortunately, Kenadi's little bottom had a different plan. She stopped vomiting this morning, and then the real fun began! She dirtied at least 20 pull-ups today! I was about to consider her potty trained, but today has just been a mess. Nearly every time she bent over she had an accident, it was terrible for everyone involved, take my word for it. My poor Kenadi, she took a couple bites of dry toast and drank a little powerade, but that's all I've allowed her today. She's still experiencing tummy troubles, but she's fast asleep.

This afternoon, thank heaven, she finally took a nap. While she was napping, Laila had a brilliant idea! She put "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" in the PS3 and we settled down to watch it. From the looks of it, I'm not the only one in the Smith family that enjoys that movie:
Laila couldn't resist his chubby cheeks and interrupted his movie pleasure, but it didn't look like he minded too awful much:

Thank goodness tomorow is a holiday, and Dustin will be home with me! Having another day like today might possibly put me in the looney-bin! I hope every military member, past or present, realizes their importance in each and every one of our lives. My heart goes out to them, and my deepest thanks.

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