The Smith's

The Smith's

March 21, 2010

Life is Good Today

I had a great day today, and just wanted to share. Today started normal, laundry, dishes, and 2 rowdy girls tearing the house apart. Dustin is working a shorter shift tonight so he got up at a decent hour (yes, noon is a decent hour for him in our house!) and we all got ready to go.

The plan for the day was to head to The Home Depot to pick up some Ortho Bug spray. The big question of the day, where do we eat? It's not often we have the time, energy, and money combined to go out as a family and sit down and enjoy a nice meal. If we do eat out, it's usually McDonalds so the girls can play, or Chipotle because baby Dustin is starving. We ended up at Texas Roadhouse, and it was delicious! It was so great, I even ordered an appetizer! I was a high roller today! Kenadi ate more onions than anyone I've ever seen, and Laila loved cracking the peanuts and smashing the shells on the floor!

We had a surprisingly nice trip to The Home Depot after lunch, which I like to consider a miracle! It's one of very, very few trips we've made to that store, and probably the only one we managed to make it through without a fight! For some reason, that store brings out the worst in me, and some crazy switch is flipped inside the kids' brains as soon as we get inside there, it makes them act like wild children! Must be the smell.

Unfortunately, Dustin has to work tonight, which is where he is now. His shift is a short one, though, from 6pm-2am, which means he'll be able to spend part of the night with me, and tomorrow will be another fine day! Now, if only Kenadi would go to sleep...

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