The Smith's

The Smith's

April 28, 2011

Recovery Day 3, and HOME!

Today went better than expected! Let me cover last night first, and then I'll get back to how special today turned out to be. All night last night, my sweet littl man was feeling so fantastic he stayed up to talk to me, kick his legs, and wave his arms. This was all great news for him, but terrible for me since I didn't manage to snooze more than an hour or two. The nurses were feeling so sorry for me around 2:30am they even gave him a dose of Benadryl to go with his Tylenol with codeine. No luck on the sleeping front, but he was feeling good!

I finally conceded to the fact that he wasn't going to sleep and I got up, used the restroom, and ordered him some more pain medication. We decided to go straight to plain ibuprophen since that's what he'll be taking at home, and he didn't seem to be too cranky. Contrary to popular belief, he managed to stay awake the entire afternoon. The nurse practicioner came in and examined him-naturally he looked perfect. She looked at his incision site since it was still clear and dry she agreed to lift his bed to 60 degrees, then 90 degrees, and opened the option for me to sit him in my lap. As long as he doesn't apply too much pressure to his lower back, he should be good to go. She decided it would be alright to send him home this afternoon, with simple instructions to keep his activity limited, but as long as he's feeling good to let him sort of get his bearings back.

After a short nap in the car on the way home, he has not slowed down for an instant! He's pulling up on the furniture with one hand, crawling and climbing over things, laughing and smiling. I am nervous that he's doing too much, but I can't seem to keep him in one place! He's a trip! He has been eating bottles and tonight is back to solids and table food. So far, so good. Big D and Little D are watching the NFL draft together, and the girls are sleeping. I'm finally at peace.

One last big fat THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed, left a messager or called to check on us, thought about us during this time or helped us in some way. We will never be able to repay you for the things you have done for us, but know each and every one of you are appreciated. All our love.


  1. I am so glad he is home. that makes me so happy. Yeah a day early. Love you guys lots.

  2. Joli, I TOTALLY missed this being gone. I am SO sorry! I am glad to read that everything went well and is going well! YEAH! I hope you're getting some de-stressing moments too! LOVE YA, give that little monster of yours hugs and tell him to keep doing great things!
