The Smith's

The Smith's

January 04, 2012


Today was the big day! I decided to start the couch to 5k program, and I must admit, I was so nervous! I've heard amazing things about it, but I hate running. I am seriously out of shape, and just the past few days of dancing "Just Dance 3" has provided me with aches and pains in places I didn't even realize I had muscles!

I have some really amazing friends, 2 of my friends came along with me and encouraged me the whole way! I grabbed a bottle of water and stuffed my phone in my shirt and we were off! The app is super easy to use, it tells you when to walk and when to run, and it keeps track of the time and the distance. Tonight, our very first night, we went well over a mile!

Being with other moms, real moms with stretch marks and saggy stomach skin, it's reassuring like no other! These woman are beautiful, but they're not a size 2, they have imperfections and curves! I felt so great tonight, I think I'm still high from it! I'm looking forward to it, I'm going to try to stick to a schedule of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings after dinner to do my program. The other nights I will try to exercise too, just not as intensely.

I look forward to a healthier 2012, and a healthier life.

1 comment:

  1. YAY! It's great you found GOOD people to do it with, comparable people, there's nothing worse that starting out with a marathon champ! Keep it up wonder woman!
