The Smith's

The Smith's

January 06, 2012


Today was Week 1, Day 2 of the Couch to 5K program (C25K), and I'm proudly typing this blog as proof of my survival! Though I only ran a total of 8 minutes tonight, that's 8 more than I can remember ever running! I am not a fan of exercise, if you can't tell by now, but this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!

Again tonight, I went with a friend and the company really makes it bearable. I can't believe I've made it through two days of this already! It's refreshing to see someone next to you, feeling as self conscious as you do, sweating and grunting in hopes of reaching a similar goal to your own. I must admit, I'm not sure I can do it alone, but, I get by with a little help from my friends.

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