The Smith's

The Smith's

January 11, 2012


Today was rough, I took yesterday off from running and just wasn't motivated to get moving. Yesterday was a craptastic day, I was in bed by 9 and had a hard time sleeping.

Today was Week 2 Day 2, which means a 5 minute warm-up walk, and alternating 90 seconds of jogging and walking for 20 minutes, and a 5 minute cool down. My knees, especially my left, have been bothering me. I've been stretching before running, even before dancing with Just Dance 3, and it hasn't seemed to be helping. My left knee is swelling and cracks every 5 or 6 steps. I think I'm going to have to invest in some type of brace or wrap before I can run again on Friday.

I looked ahead to week 3, because I just can't not look, and I got a little nervous. It starts the same with a 5 minute warm-up walk, and then goes into a 90 second jog/walk, and then a 3 minute jog/walk, alternating between the two times, totaling 20 minutes. I thought I was going to stroke out just reading it! I decided today to push myself a bit, even though my knee was really hurting. I did one run at two minutes, and another at 2 1/2, I am worried I won't make it 3 minutes. If I don't, I'll go back to week 2 for another day and try harder next time.

I literally dripped sweat onto my treadmill when I was running tonight. There's something seriously satisfying about that. Nasty, but satisfying.

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