The Smith's

The Smith's

November 03, 2012

Gratitude Post 3

Another day is coming to a close, and I still have so much to be thankful for, it's hard to choose. Tonight, my children are sleeping, my husband is working, and the dog is curled up at my feet. There is laundry piling up and dishes in the sink, but I'm safe and sound, and that's more than I had at one point in my life.

Day 3: I'm grateful for my safety.

I live in a home with all the windows in tact, the locks all function, and I know where all the exits are. Not only in my home am I safe, but in my relationship, I feel secure. Never, ever, has Dustin ever put me in a compromising position, one that I felt threatened or hurt in. For this, I am grateful, not just today, but always.

I never dreamed I'd find myself in a relationship where I was scared to leave, afraid to talk back, terrified to breathe-but that was me. Years ago I ran myself into the ground with drugs and alcohol, I was so lost in a haze, I used it as an excuse for the rest of the wrong things in my life, I was so worthless I deserved the abuse.

Now, nearly a decade later, I know my own worth. I'm aware of the things I deserve, and the things I don't. I have standards, and they're high, and I'm okay with that. Proud, even. Proud of where I've been, and where I am now, and where I am now is safe.