The Smith's

The Smith's

January 07, 2011


Today was the day! My first weigh in after starting the HCG diet and boy, was I surprised! I have not even so much as licked my finger tips after touching something not "approved" on this diet, but I was still frightened the scale wouldn't reflect my hard work.

Joanne came over this morning, looking slim as usual! Toting her scale and tape measure, she was ready for me to weigh in and take my measurements. I must tell you, to say I was "pleasantly surprised" would be an understatement! After my "fat loading" and intial weight, I was hoping to see 195lbs today. When I got on the scale, I could hardly believe my eyes! The total was...

193.2 pounds!!!

I lost 10 pounds! In 5 days! I am just astonished, but so very proud! I'm not sure I can remember the last time I've seen numbers under 200, let alone close to 190! My goal for the next 2 weeks is to drop another 8 pounds with the diet, I would like to end around 185lbs or less! Once the HCG part of the diet is complete, I move to a more "atkins" style diet where I can eat more meats and add in further seasonings like oils and such. During that phase, I am free to exercise as well. I will continue to set small, but achievable goals for myself. Each goal I reach feels like I'm on top of mountain! What a great feeling!!

Thank you, again, for your support!


  1. WOW! Good job!!! :) Keep up the good work :)

  2. Great Job lady!! I'm hoping to have numbers under 200 in the next wk or soo!! I am starting Atkins in the next couple days (as soon as i get the meal plan together and go to the store) and I am gonna make myself work out 2 times a day! You are amazing!

  3. Congrats! Here I am doing weight watchers to drop weight....lost 47 lbs in 10 months. I picked too slow a method! Congrats that is awesome!!!!!!
