The Smith's

The Smith's

January 26, 2011

Day 7 of the 30 Day Photo Challenge

I'm not materliastic by any means, but I can't claim my family to be "items" of mine. It was so easy to pick this, since in my opinion, your friends don't always have to be people.

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item...

I can remember the night so clearly in my mind, it was the day Lowe's opened in Benton Harbor. My mom, dad, and I went to check it out. I spotted him almost instantly when we walked in, it was around Christmastime and he was so sparkly white, sitting on a shelf near the door. I couldn't help myself, I scooped him up and put him in the cart, just like a child. Despite my mom's protests, he remained there through the duration of our shopping, and managed to follow us home that evening.
He and I have been inseperable since, and clearly so. He's been through hell and back, and I like to think he knows even my deepest, darkest secrets, and he's still there for me. This goofy old bear has seen me through the death of my mom, stuck with me through many miles and houses, and was a witness when I fell in love. He's forever stained with blood, sweat, and tears, and he's never once complained.
I sleep with my Coca-Cola bear tucked up under my arm each and every night, he's a part of me I just can't seem to part with. He reminds me of not just my mom and dad, but of myself, and that I can make it through anything. He's been burned, torn, smashed, and abused, but never lost. I've been through those same things, but somehow, I'm not lost. When all else fails, I know we have each other, and that's always been enough for me.


  1. That's really sweet! Great memory too.

    --Hey, I might try this 30 day you have a full 30-day list or do I have to wait for you to finish to get them all :)

  2. awe love it. This is just great. I wish I still had something from my child hood. I destroyed everything because well that is who I was as a child.
