The Smith's

The Smith's

January 20, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge

I've decided to take my mind off this weight loss ordeal I've been obsessing with and try this. A former classmate of mine posted a 30 day photo challenge, each day has a new photo for a new reason. I started this on Facebook and thought I might share it here too. Today is day 1, so here goes nothing...

A picture of yourself with 20 facts...

1. I'm not sure I can list 20 things about myself that anyone will care to read.

2. I set 2 "resolutions" for myself this year, and have stuck to both so far. This is the longest I've stuck with a resolution after the new year.

3. I love to ...bake, though I rarely eat what I make, I usually send it to Dustin's work with him.

4. I would much rather read than watch tv, the books are usually better than the movie anyway.

5. I haven't been to the movie theater in years, I think it's a big capsule of germs waiting to attack the second you step foot inside.

6. I hate living in Arizona, but I doubt I'll ever leave here.

7. I am the mother of a diabetic, and I couldn't be more proud.

8. My dream is to go back to school one day and get a degree in sociology, I'd love to be a social worker.

9. I truly believe I could live off of Kit-Kats and Coca-Cola if I were ever stranded on a deserted island.

10. I have my name tattooed on my left wrist, and my husband's tattooed on my right wrist. I love them, they're my favorite tattoos.

11. I hate "the holidays" (Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc). I think Hallmark makes enough money without the markup on items around that time of year.

12. I've recently become addicted to Swagbucks, and it's free! I love free!

13. I married my best friend, and each day together is better than the last.

14. I miss the fall back home, everything about it makes my heart ache.

15. I'm not sure I'll ever be happy with the way I look, but I know no matter what, my husband loves every inch of me, size 2 or 22.

16. I have a very open relationship with my dad, I can tell him anything, anytime. I hope to have that same type of relationship with my children.

17. My sister is one of my best friends, she's been through a lot with me, and we have a bond that will never be broken.

18. I never wanted children, but now I have 3, and my life sure does revolve around them.

19. My favorite movie is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I can recite almost that entire movie word for word.

20. I love to take pictures. I have very few photos of my mom and even less of her and I together. I want my children to have many memories of their lives, and our family.


  1. Love ya girl. I think you look amazing, keep up your good work!

  2. O.M.G. You aren't going to believe this...but I also believe I could survive on Kit-Kats and Coca-Cola if ever I were stranded on a desert island!!! Yummmmmm!!I should do this. But I don't think I will do it on FB. Hmmmmm.
