The Smith's

The Smith's

February 14, 2011

Day 26 of the 30 Day Photo Challenge

This was another picture I struggled to choose. Something is not the same as someone, so I had to do a little thinking.

Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you...
My camera is very important to me, it was a gift from my husband, and I know he put a lot of thought into picking it out. Even more than the camera itself, it's the photos, the memories I can preserve that is so important to me. To be able ot look back, remember a time or a place, it's an amazing feeling. I will have to many pictures to show my children when they grow, so many things they will not remember, but stories I will get to share. To know that no one will be forgotten, no memories misplaced, it gives me peace of mind for myself, and for my family.

1 comment:

  1. I am RIGHT there with you! Photos mean SO much to me. I can't just give someone pictures to look at either, I have to be right there telling them all about it!
