The Smith's

The Smith's

March 25, 2011

Joli's Journal Jar, Day 25

This month of journal jar posts is coming to an end, and I must admit, it's been so fun I may occasionally dip back into that jar of questions for ideas to blog about. Today is another easy one, lucky me!

Favorite vacation spot...
I like to think my favorite vacation spot is still to be determined. Sure, I've taken plenty of vacations, but none of them stick out in my mind as my favorite place to have visited, and none of them have the appeal to want to go back anytime soon. I haven't taken many vacations now that I'm the parent, and I have my own kids. As the child, I never got to plan the agenda, pick the food, or even give input on where went in the first place-and I know now that will change. My honeymoon, though wonderful, was short and sweet. It was not where we really wanted to go, or what we really wanted to do. We afford our bills and rarely have much extra floating around, no where near enough to start saving for a vacation!! I hope that one day, as my kids are growing and our financial situation improves, we will take more vacations and I will be able to choose a place I'd love to visit again and again. Until then, the question mark remains.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT Post. How can you pick a favorite when you're not done yet!?!?

    Maybe do a once a week journal jar...
